Part 5 - The Dance

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Elizabeth tried to slip back into the ballroom unnoticed but unfortunately luck was not on her side that night. Standing right by the door was none other than Caroline Bingley, who started slightly at her entrance but then her gaze switched to one of curiosity and suspicion. Then she looked her up and down with raised eyebrows and stuck her nose in the air with a sneer as she turned away. Elizabeth glanced down at herself and realised that her dress had some dusty patches from her earlier fall. Ignoring Miss Bingley entirely she quickly skirted the edge of the ballroom to escape to the ladies powder room, hoping to fix her appearance before anyone else noticed.

After Elizabeth's departure Darcy took a deep breath and a moment to recompose himself. He knew that his life had just changed forever. That this brief interlude outside had set him on a new path. For there was no way, having held and kissed Elizabeth, that he could walk away from her now. His plan to leave for London the next day and persuade Bingley with him was now unquestionable. His head had finally caught up with his heart and he could no longer deny that he was in love with Elizabeth. He wasn't sure exactly when it had happened, could not pinpoint the exact moment, but he knew with absolute certainty that he was. And now nothing but Elizabeth as his wife would do. He could not even begin to imagine his life without her as the future Mrs Darcy. All his previous objections melted away in comparison to the joy he had felt at having her in his arms. How right it had felt, even given the circumstances. The circumstances. Darcy's hands balled up in rage once more as he thought about Wickham. He would need to do something about him. He might not be able to call him out directly. He had Elizabeth's reputation to think of, and Georgiana's too, but he had a duty to warn the innocent people of Meryton against the scoundrel. He should not have kept quiet in the first place, he admitted to himself. It had only put others unaware of his nature at risk.

Breathing deeply through his nose, he tried to calm his murderous thoughts down. She is safe. He reminded himself over and over again. His Elizabeth was safe. Wickham would not touch her again. He smiled at the thought of Elizabeth having dealt him such a blow and hoped with fervour that it had hurt a lot.

Slowly releasing his fists Darcy strolled around the building to re enter the ballroom through a different door to the one Elizabeth and Wickham had used. As it happened the first person whom he should encounter was Mrs Bennet and her middle daughter Mary. Both noticed his entrance but Mrs Bennet coldly turned away without acknowledging him. It was at that moment that he recalled Elizabeth's early words. She had had no clue that he liked her. Had thought he looked at her to find fault! He could not quite believe it. He had thought his feelings were, if anything, too obvious and had been working to try and tamper down any possible connection. But now he wanted the opposite, and he realised that to woo Miss Elizabeth he would need to improve his impression on the family also.

As he thought objectively about his previous concerns to the match he realised how superficial they had been really. Elizabeth's lack of money did not signify. He had never needed to marry for money. He was a rich man, rich enough for the both of them certainly, and he was a good landlord and investor. He had no debts and his wealth grew every year. Truly money need never have been a consideration in his marriage. Nor really were extensive or impressive connections. Through his aunt and uncle he could again claim those connections on behalf of his wife. He had no doubt that Elizabeth could charm her way through the ton, she was always at such easy in company and always knew exactly what to say in a witty and gracious manner. And if the ton were unforgiven of him marrying for love, well he didn't much like socialising in London anyway. He knew Elizabeth would be accepted in Derbyshire without question and that was truly more important. His only concern in that area was Georgiana but he knew that his aunt would be a fierce ally in that direction and he could count on her influence to smooth the way for his sister.

The Compromising of Elizabeth Bennet: A pride and prejudice variationWhere stories live. Discover now