Welcome To Fairy tail

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Welcome to Fairy Tail


(Your POV)

"Is this the Fairy Tail?" You said to your exceed named Fierce

"Well yes" he said while nodding

You smiled and walked through the door and opened it.

And when you open the door

All the members of the guild looked at you with a shock expression.

"Who is she?"

"She has an exceed, wait don't tell me......."

"Well hello"

You looked at the woman with white long hair and red dress.

You smiled at her and said...

"I'm here to be part of this guild" you said

She smiled to you and looked at Fierce.

"Well what an adorable exceed you have" she said sweetly

"I'm not adorable as you thought girly" he harshly said

"Oh hehe" you looked at Fierce and gave him an angry expression.

"Well if you want to be a member of our guild, please meet first our master" she said

You nodded and smiled

You followed her and saw a big door

You guess that behind that big door is the office of their master

She opened the door and you followed her inside

"Master someone wants to be a member of our guild" she said

"Well did you ask what is her/his magic"

"I think she's a dragon slayer because she has an exceed"

'How did she know that I'm a dragon slayer' you thought

The master of the guild faced you and suddenly he wear a shock expression.


"Hi Makarov" you smiled at him

"Master you know her"

"Yes Mira, I know her, she's my student when I'm still young" he explained to her

"Makarov, you're so old" you said while wearing a shock expression.

"Thanks for the compliment" he said with an odd face

You laugh because of the odd face he made

"Uhmm Makarov where's Laxus?" You questioned

"Well..." He told you the story about Laxus' betrayal. 

You just said 'ahh'

"Mira she is officially a member of Fairy Tail" Makarov said

The girl with white long hair faced me and questioned me where to put the fairy tail sign and color

You said that the place to put the sign is in your (p/p) and the color is (y/c)

She introduce herself and she's a nice girl though I feel a strong presence inside her

You followed her and went back.

"Listen everyone" she called everyone.

The members looked at you.

"She's (y/n), (l/n) from (y/p) and she is our new member of fairy tail, and I also forgot this is her exceed named fierce"

You smiled to them "I will be on your care from now on" you said and bowed down

Hope you like this chapter

Just tell me if I am bad on writing a story

I just know how to create a story in a Filipino language not English so

Understand my situation

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