Master And Servant (One Shot)

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Master And Servant [One Shot]

(Your POV)

"Do you want more?" You questioned to gray.

He nodded. You gave him the spoon full of cake. He ate it and you looked at him with a pissed look.

"Why do I need to dress up like this" you looked at the maid suit that gray gave you.

"Because your my servant" He said.

"This is not a dress for servant...." You looked at him with a pissed expression "This is a dress for maid and not for a servant!" You slam your hand on the table.

"Servant and maid have no difference" he said while grinning.

If I did not play with them then I will not end up with this stupid dare.

--- flashback ---

The job that you and the team Natsu bought earlier is already done. You and the others decided to rest under a big tree.

"Let's play a game" Natsu said.

"What kind of game" Lucy questioned.

"It's called the dare game" Natsu said.

You sat on the grass and Gray sat beside you.

"In this kind of game there's no winner but the person who has a dare is a big loser" Fierce said.

"As if I'm playing that damn game" you said.

"Are you afraid to be a loser?" Gray said and grin.

"As if I become a loser" you said to Gray.

Gray grinned "Then let's play the game. If your that confident then you don't need to excuse yourself. We will all play the game"

"This will going to be fun" Lucy said.

You and the others make a big circle and there's a bottle in the middle.

"Because I will make the first spin then whoever the bottle will point will do a chicken dance" and Natsu laughed and imagined someone is chicken dancing.

"Chicken dance? I hope Gray will be pointed" you whispered.

"Did you say anything?" Gray questioned.

"Nothing" you said.

Natsu spin the bottle.

"And the bottle was pointed to Erza" Happy said.

"This is not what I expected" Erza said and stood up.

"Pfft hahaha" Natsu laughed.

"Why are you laughing" Erza said to him.

"I-i did not expect that the bottle will point to Erza, this is funnier than I thought" Natsu said.

"I did not even start to do anything" Erza said with a pissed tone.

Even though Erza is not willing to do the dare but because she need to do it, she danced and everyone laugh except you. You are not laughing because in this kind of game, bad luck magnets you.

"The next person who will pointed will make a cake for me later" Erza said.

Erza spin the bottle.

"And the bottle pointed to Gray" Happy said.

"What the..."

You pat his back. "It's ok Gray just make a perfect cake so that Erza will like it" and you laughed.

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