Encourage Lost

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Encourage Lost

(Your POV)

Months already when they leave in the guild

The others in your guild is already worried

And you are worried too

"Are they not done yet?"romeo said

"I don't know" Macao said

They are worried already

Of course they will because its already months ago when they left

You and the others are shocked when suddenly the door in the guild slammed

You and the others face it and saw the

Blue pegasus

You are shock when you saw them

Of course because they are not always visiting here

"Everyone I have a bad news for you" hibiki said

"How bad?" Macao questioned

"So bad" eve said

"The tenrou island is attacked by a dragon"

You looked to hibiki and looked at fierce

You both are shocked about the announcement

"Who? Who is it!" You shouted

"It is not your dragon (y/n), it is acnologia" hibiki said

You bowed down when you hear it

You thought its gladelere, the dragon who teach you about your dragon slayer magic [hope gladelere is a good name for a dragon, its not like water and I think its like an earth dragon but no worries, just think about leviathan the sea dragon of course]

"What happened to them" romeo ask

"The whole tenrou island.."

"And the other members and of course your master too..."

"Are gone because of acnologia's strength"

You are shocked when hibiki said that they are gone

Tears starting to fell in your eyes

'No it can't be like that, they are strong, I know they can beat that acnologia' you thought while crying

"I'm sorry for your lost" hibiki said

"We will stand up" Macao said

"From now on, I'm the master of the fairy tail guild"

Sorry for waiting long about the love story of gray and you, promise after this tenrou island, your love to each other will bloom

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