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Maybe I will not make a one shot stories in this book anymore (yeah not because of my mood yesterday) I'm just thinking that maybe I'm worst in writing one shots because the nightmare that I made is my first one shot that I wrote but don't worry I think it was nice to write a new gray x reader story, I'll write it if you wanted it.

Thanks for the support and thank you that many people wants me to be fine yesterday. I'm fine now (just for now)

Tell me if you wanted me to continue or write a new gray x reader story then if you wanted then I'll try to write it today for you minasan. Haha it just happened that I thought a great story flow (I think).

While I'm writing this, I have a smile on my face thinking that the readers of this stories was making my mood into good. And again arigatou gozaimasu for supporting me. Belated happy valentines day (to late for that) haha just tell me and I'll make it today if I can


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