Nightmare (one shot)

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Hi minasan, don't think that this story is not yet done because it's already done.

I think that it's good to write one shot stories of you and gray after that monthsary.

I'll write some one shot but not many (because I think if it's too many then the story will be ruin)

This chapter maybe long (I think)

Hope you'll like it. ●ω●


Nightmare [ONE SHOT]

(Your POV)

"Wake up sleepy head" and someone poke your cheeks.

"Shut up, go away I want to sleep" I murmured.

'I think it's gray, because only gray has the courage to wake me up'

"I think she don't want to........"

'Wait is that voice came from a girl? Gray was with a girl and she's in my room! What the.......your half asleep (y/n), your just half asleep' your thought interupt.

"Maybe but she need to wake up, it's already afternoon" gray said with a cold voice.

"But I think it's too bad to......."

"What the did I hear the right word" you jumped in the bed and looked at the window.

'Yeah it's true, it's already afternoon"

You put your palm in your forehead.

"Are you alright?" You looked at gray and saw him with a concern face.


Your just exhausted from the job.

Last week you got a job that is S class and because in the team natsu, erza is just the S class wizard. You thought that it's maybe right if you do it by yourself.

Your not in the guild for just a week but because your exhausted and just wanna take a nap for a whole day, you don't think that maybe someone miss you (and that's gray)

When you realize that gray is not alone, you look at the side of gray and saw juvia with a smile on her face.

'Juvia? She's the one who is obsessed to gray right? Why is she with gray?'

"At last you wake up" and she smiled at you.

"Well maybe it's the right thing if I'm going to take a nap again" and hissed.

"Don't be rude (y/n)" gray said.

"I'm not rude I'm just exhausted"

And cover myself with my blanket.

'What happened while I'm not in the guild? I feel something change, change of feeling'

"Hey wake up, master told us to wake you up" gray said with an angry voice.

"Then both of you, get out because I will change my clothes!" You shouted at them

'Why did gray need to be with that girl. I hate it'

You change your clothes and went out to your room.

You saw gray and juvia laughing to each other and you feel jealous because you notice that gray was paying more attention to juvia than you.

You hurriedly went out to your house and run to the guild.

You don't want to see gray with juvia so you run as fast as you could.

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