Chapter 2: The First One / Edmund goes to the Wardrobe

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The next morning, Edmund woke up to the warmth of soft fur beside him. It was Elizabeth, still in her lion cub form. He didn't want to get up—how could he, anyway? It was raining. Elizabeth opened her small eyes, yawning as she saw the rain, clearly wanting to go outside.

"I can tell you want to go out," Edmund said, watching her peer out the window.

Without further questions, Edmund grabbed his raincoat and gently picked up the cub. The two headed outside. It wasn't too cold or too warm—just a steady drizzle of rain. Edmund sat under a tree, watching as Elizabeth playfully rolled in the mud. She soon bounded over to him, tugging playfully on his sleeve with her teeth, trying to drag him into the fun.

After hours of playing in the rain, Edmund lay on the ground, completely soaked. Lizzy, equally drenched, rolled onto her back beside him, their heads nearly touching. As Edmund reached out, she transformed back into her human form, choosing to reveal herself to him once again. He sat up, offering her his hand, and she took it. They stood, inches apart, the rain still falling around them.

Meanwhile, Lucy, bored and wandering around outside, spotted the two. Her eyes widened in surprise, and she quietly called out, "Susan, Peter, come here."

Susan and Peter came over, and what they saw made Lucy grin with excitement—a budding romance. She watched the scene unfold, waiting for something to happen.

"I know what you're thinking..." Lizzy said, smiling at Edmund.

Edmund simply smiled, gently brushing his hand through her wet hair. "Come on, we should go inside."

Later, after drying off and transforming back into her cub form, Edmund carried Lizzy into the library, where Susan was engaged in a dictionary game. Lizzy sat under Edmund's chair, watching as he settled in.

"Gastrovascular..." Susan muttered to Peter, but when he didn't respond, she repeated, "Come on, Peter, gastrovascular!"

Peter sighed. "Is it Latin?"

Edmund, sitting with Lizzy on his lap, smirked and said, "Is it Latin for 'worst game ever invented'?"

Susan gave him a disapproving look, and Lucy came over, her face bright with excitement. "We could play hide and seek!" she suggested.

Edmund scoffed, but Lucy turned to Peter with puppy-dog eyes. "Please, Peter? Pretty please?"

Peter sighed, giving in. "Alright... 1... 2... 3..." he began counting, covering his eyes. Edmund shot him a look of disbelief but went along with it.

Everyone scrambled to find hiding spots, Edmund taking Lizzy with him to hide.

After a while, Lucy suddenly returned, shouting, "I'm back! I'm back!"

Edmund peeked out from his hiding spot, hushing her. Peter walked over, shaking his head.

"I'm not sure you've quite got the idea of this game," Peter said, looking at Lucy.

Lucy looked confused. "Weren't you wondering where I was?" she asked.

Edmund emerged from behind the curtains with Lizzy. "That's the point. He was seeking you."

"Do I win?" Susan asked, joining them.

"I don't think Lucy wants to play anymore," Peter said with a sigh.

"I've been gone for hours," Lucy whispered, her voice quiet as she looked up at her three siblings.

Later, they all gathered in the spare room, except for Lizzy, who slipped out of the wardrobe. Edmund knocked on the back of the wardrobe's wall, hearing nothing unusual.

"Lucy, the only wood in there is the back of the wardrobe," Susan told her, trying to reason with her.

Peter added, "One game at a time, Lu. We don't all have your imagination."

The four of them turned to leave, but Lucy, desperate, spoke up. "I wouldn't lie about this!"

Edmund approached her with a teasing grin. "I believe you."

"You do?" Lucy asked, hopeful.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you about the football field in the bathroom cupboard?" Edmund joked.

Peter groaned, clearly frustrated. "Will you just stop? You always have to make things worse, don't you?"

"It was just a joke!" Edmund retorted defensively.

"When are you going to learn to grow up?" Peter snapped at him.

"Shut up! You think you're our dad, but you're not!" Edmund shouted, storming out of the room. Lizzy, concerned, ran after him, trying to catch up.

"Well, that was nicely handled," Susan said sarcastically to Peter, following after them.

Lucy stood quietly, still certain of what she'd seen. "It really was there," she whispered to herself.

That night, Lucy was determined. She knew the wardrobe was real, and nothing could shake her belief. As she snuck across the hall, back to the wardrobe, Lizzy sat by the bathroom door, watching her. Edmund had just come out of the bathroom when he saw Lucy heading for the wardrobe.

"Lucy... where are you?" Edmund called, following her.

Lizzy, worried, tugged at his robe. "Edmund, please, don't go. One is enough, but you?"

"Stop it," he whispered gently, picking her up with one hand and opening the wardrobe door with the other. "Hope you're not afraid of the dark," he teased, stepping inside with her.

As they walked through the wardrobe, Edmund tripped on a branch, making Lizzy giggle. She hopped through the snow, enjoying the moment, but Edmund quickly grew concerned when he heard the sound of bells. Lizzy knew what was coming—the White Witch.

Pale and cold, the sleigh approached. Lizzy recognized it immediately and hoped Edmund wouldn't be tempted. But as the sleigh stopped, a dwarf grabbed her by the scruff, dragging her to the ground as the White Witch turned her attention to Edmund.

"No, don't," Lizzy tried to warn, but the White Witch silenced her with a glare.

Edmund, oblivious to the danger, asked for Turkish Delight. Lizzy sighed, knowing that the sweet treat was part of the witch's spell of temptation.

A/N: Please vote and comment! I'd love to hear your feedback! :)

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