Chapter 9: Coronation Day

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At the castle, it was almost the coronation of the five Elizabeth was standing outside the balcony as her father was walking the beach both Peter and Edmund came each side of her leaning with her on the balcony.


"Thinking, Liz?"

Sighing she smiled looking at her friend but then looked down at the ocean.


"Nervous actually, I mean you as city children never thought about being crowned."


Edmund shook his no in response to what she said "no not really,"


Sighing she decided to go get her dress picked out at her room looking through the closet throwing each one on the bed as she walked over with some in her arms putting them down to examine each gown see which one she would wear to her coronation picking out a slim dress she looked herself in the mirror.

However, transforming herself into a lion cub again she went to see her father before he left.


"Hello, my dear one."


"Hello, dad" she turned back into a girl.

Aslan knew his daughter well and seeing her the way she is now seemed to concern him being a single father and all as he asked worried of her.


"Something wrong? My dear child?" He asked.

She bit her lip hard as it bled a bit while she thought, Elizabeth didn't know what to say once she becomes queen in a few hours she has to choose between Peter or Edmund mostly marry Peter that was the law in Narnia. He saw right through her and nodded knowing now.

Aslan (CONT'D)

"I see you are having trouble deciding are you not?"

Elizabeth looked at him thinking how he knew as she chuckled.


I would not care if you married Edmund soon of age, Lizzy I know you love him and I give the blessing to you both.


Shockingly looked at her father but a smile showed on her face not having no idea that her father would allow her to marry whoever she wanted at the right time and place.

"Right well, I should go practice for the waltz."


As hours had gone by the coronation started with the five friends heading to their thrones each color worn as Lizzy was wearing a red cape behind her standing in between Peter and Edmund.


"From the glistening eastern sea I give you queen Lucy the valiant, to the great western wood king Edmund the just, to the radiant southern sun queen Susan the gentle."

Aslan thought for a bit of their discussion and turned before Tumnus put the crown on them he had to stop Tumnus as he spoke aloud, this made Lizzy widen and nervous as both boys took her hand friendly Edmund more proactively as the three stood before aslan.

"Wait first before we make this official," aslan turned to his daughter and gave her the look.

Elizabeth looked back at him her heart beating as she looked between Edmund and Peter.

The Little Cub [ e.p love story] COMPLETED ✅Where stories live. Discover now