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SILENCE INGULFED the two, the older male still has his arms out for the kid to hold on

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SILENCE INGULFED the two, the older male still has his arms out for the kid to hold on

The boy flinched at the warm gaze, before scratching his neck and whimpered out his name

"T..ten.ko.. shi..mura.."

(M/n) pats his head, before crouching down, and picks him up gently

tenko, realizing this, tries his best to get his hands away from (m/n)

"Tenko shimura huh? Boy, tell me, why didn't you yell for help?"

The boy in his arm wobbled, his tears soon escaped from his eyes, he wants to hug this man, but he can't

"I tried... but.. no-one wants to help me"

He choked on his sobs, (M/n) kept silent, as if seeing himself in the boy's eye

(M/n) reaches his bigger hand to hold the boy's smaller ones, in which made tenko flinched as he tries to get his fingers away

"no,no,no,no,no- you don- i- nononono my quirk.. its.. i'm sorry- no,no- i'm sorry-"

The boy scrambled on his words, tears falling like a waterfall as he tries to reason the older male not to touch him

(M/n), quickly understanding the issue, reached his gloved hand to his mouth, biting at the end of the middle finger, slipping it out slowly

taking on of the kid's hand, slipping his glove gently on his small hand

"Shh.. it's ok.. i understand.."

(M/n) doesn't know how to comfort, nor how to pick words that won't hurt someones feelings

but this boy reflects the same image of him as a child, and so he wanted to take him in and help him

tenko, looking at his now gloved hand, looks up to the man, as if asking his permition to hug him

(M/n) only hold the back of tenko's head gently, pulling him in a for a warm embrace

"No-one is going to hurt you anymore.."

Tenko's vision blurry, more tears of relief and happiness came rushing down his face, wetting (m/n)'s suit which he didn't care about

𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 , 𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗄𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖺Where stories live. Discover now