💐 006.

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An obnoxious loud sound of body against the ground could be heard, the wind no more a calm breeze as the clouds have picked up on ocean water, gloomy and dark the day is

The unknown man holds his face in pain after the punch the (hair colour) haired man sents him, nose bloody and bruised face, his perverted smirk left his face

The small black haired boy covered his face and hid behind (m/n)'s legs, small hands gripping the elder male's pants, tears in his eyes as he scratched his skin

"What do you think you're doing?".


A familiar boy's voice screamed out loud, snapping (m/n) out of his anger before he dashed and pushed the woman aside, running with all his might

Only to find an unknown man, groping tenko roughly, tears in the boys eyes as he tried pushing the man away

But he was too weak.

(M/n)'s body shook, hus jaw clenched in a painful way as his widens in the scene's recognition

"P-papa... he-elp.."

A little girl's voice stuttered weakly

Another scream erupted from tenko as the man tried to raise his shirt up, but before he could do so


A punch was landed across the man's face, tumbling him away, down the hill as his back came in contact harshly against the tree

Seeing the male, tenko ran and hid behind (m/n), sobbing as he tried to cath his breath, not wanting to anger the male with his annoying hiccups


Seeing the famous CEO before him, the unknown and not worth mentioning man ran away, scrambling to leave the place

The (hair colour) haired man tried to run after him before his pants were tugged by small hands

"P-papa.. it's fine.. j-just let them be.."

"I-it's alright (m/n)-san.. no need to go after him! I-i'm okay.."

(M/n) felt tears welt up in his eyes, scooping the boy up, he hold him closely before the rain interrupted rudely

"Shouko.. please forgive me.."

Tenko, oblivious to the name, continued to sob softly as the rain stained his already tear stained face, snuggling to the male's warm embrace

"(M/n)-san? Can we go home now..?"

The boy's voice weakly mumbled softly, (m/n)'s eyes widens, before softening, he sighed and smiled ghostly

"Yes.. let's go home.."


As tenko is fast asleep in the back, (m/n) sighed in defeat, looking back from the driver's seat, he brushed the boy's wet hair gently, before holding his cheek in melancholy

His lips trembled before looking back at the front and starting the car

Tenko is not shouko.

Tenko is not shouko

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Haha.. hiiii short chapter, sorry- but dw, i've find more than enough scenarios for this lovely father and son <33

𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 , 𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗄𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖺Where stories live. Discover now