💐 004.

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Tenko clinged into the man's legs, hooking his arms around his knee as he shakes his head repeatedly

Today is the day (m/n) dropped off tenko to his first day of kindergarden, his light blue uniform on with the yellow hat and all

his red aurplane toy forgotten on the floor as he begs the man not to leave him while the teacher only sweatdropped gloomily

"Oh my, it's probably 'cause of your scary face!"

"My face is not scary!"

The female teacher remarked, making the male teacher whisper-shout at her back to respond

(m/n) sighed at the boy, who is still clinging at his pants, before crouching down, doing his best to console him

"I won't be long, after this, i'll make you your favorite ohagi after school, how about that?"

Despite loving (m/n)'s cooking, especially his ohagi, tenko didn't want that, he just wants to stay with the man

"No! I don't want ohagi! I want you!"

Tenko cried, shaking the man's leg harder while slightly jumping

"I promise, as soon as you're done, i'll pick you up and we can watch those all might videos you like yeah?"

(M/n) gently pat his head while tenko rips one of his hands from (m/n)'s leg while rubbing his eyes

"You promise..?"

"Pinky promise"

Tenko looked up at (m/n) who's holding up his pinky, no smile was present on his face but he is actually promising

𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗈 , 𝗍𝖾𝗇𝗄𝗈 𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗆𝗎𝗋𝖺Where stories live. Discover now