3 ) Hallucinations

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Tw: Hallucinations

Days would pass by. Hisoka didn't leave most days, and on the days that he did, the concerned stares of strangers would follow him. His voice was as springy as ever when he spoke, "Illumi, dear~ Don't you remember?~ We went on a walk here, back on our first date!"

"Of course I do, Hisoka." Every day Hisoka would spend every passing second with Illumi, talking, holding his hand, laughing, just enjoying himself. He could feel the stares on his back and hear the faint whispers circulating around him.
He was okay. Those people couldn't do jack shit about him anyways.

The day with Illumi went by quick, not a single thing going wrong. Once they were home, he found himself laid on his bed, Illumi beside him.

Hisoka's room was dark. The curtains closed, the lights off. Everything was scattered all over the place. But it was okay. At least he had Illumi.
He rolled on his side to look at Illumi, smiling to him before beginning to talk again, "I'm glad I have you, Illumi. You're all I have. You're perfect."

He didn't get a response, looking away as he pulled the figure closer. He was fine with this. He kept his arms wrapped around Illumi, not a single word leaving his mouth.

The next day, he was out and about with Illumi, holding hands with a blank look in his eyes. He found himself walking into an old cafe they used to go to together all the time. He walked up to the cash register, smiling as he gave his order. He turned to Illumi and spoke, "Illumi, what do you want?"

He could feel the instant mood flip from the cashier. Judgement. Judgement judgement judgement. But what he didn't expect is for the cashier to speak, "Sir, there's nobody-"

His own sharp voice cut the man off instantly, "Yes there is. He says he wants just a black coffee."

"-... Okay. Your total is 10.67. *Freak..."* The last part was just a murmur, however Hisoka still heard it. He ignored it any paid, before leading Illumi to the other side of the counter where they waited for their drinks.
He was okay.

"Illumi? I love you."

"I love you too, Hisoka." Hisoka nodded to him, taking his drink and croissant as it was placed down. Illumi took his coffee and he turned to walk away, before a barista spoke and interrupted him.

"Sir, your black coffee?" The barista was holding it out.
He stopped and looked at it, before his gaze trailed to Illumi who was walking out of the shop with his coffee.
Was... was that Illumi?
He stopped to look between the barista and Illumi.

"Illumi grabbed it already. That's someone else's, not mine."

"There's nobody else who's ordered black coffee recently, your name is on the cup." Illumi... but... Illumi was holding his coffee... the bell of the cafe door shutting never rang, despite the fact that he could see Illumi outside, waiting for him. He could hear his heart beating, standing motionlessly. His heartbeat was so loud.

"Illumi..?" But, how could that figure be Illumi? No... it had to be... the call he had got two months ago— the one from Killua, stating Illumi's death was a joke.

Illumi was right there. Illumi couldn't die. Not if Hisoka still needed him.
He could feel the warm, silent tears dripping down his face as hr slapped a hand over his mouth; dropping both his food and drink.

Illumi was alive... he was... he was right there... he was alive... it was a prank. Killua and Gon must have convinced the city to act like Illumi was invisible. Illumi— he was right there after all. He wasn't dead. He couldn't be dead. He couldn't...

Hisoka still needed his Lumi...

Hisoka x Illumi Oneshots - Angst EditionWhere stories live. Discover now