4) Star-Crossed Lovers

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It had been a long day. Hisoka planned to relax and bother Illumi. He had been bored all day, and Illumi usually made him perk up on days such as this.

When the redhead sauntered into the assassins room, he was met with silence.
Illumi must be on a job. Oh well, he could always just wait for him to be done. He always did. Illumi always was annoyed that he would. So he did it more often now.

He allowed himself to drift to sleep with those thoughts, since they were nothing more than just the random things that filled the bored silence.
The feeling of two eyes burning holes into him was what woke him up. It was Illumi! Though, the raven-haired male was wrapped in a robe with damp hair. He must have gotten back and simply ignored Hisoka. Clearly he had went and showered. Illumi's voice cut into the mundane thoughts in his mind, "Will you remove yourself from my bed? I must rest. Today was busy."

"Why don't you just lay down with me, dear~ Too shy, perhaps~?" His voice was full of the usual taunting venom it held, one that somehow never seemed to get under Illumi's skin.
What did shock him, was when the bed shifted and Illumi crawled into bed with him. He expected to be threatened, though, this was no situation to complain about.
He simply rolled to face Illumi, his muscular arms wrapping around the others waist as he settled close. This was comfortable.

He could tell Illumi was far from a fan of laying with him, but, he wasn't telling him to stop— so he planned to soak in the physical contact for as long as he could.When Illumi actually fell asleep, he let out a disappointed sigh. If Illumi was sleeping it meant that he hadn't for a week or two. Which meant that if he tried to wake him up or mess with him— he would have his throat slit.

When he finally fell asleep too, he felt an unfamiliar calmness settled in his chest. Mundane interactions such as this rarely were sparked between the two of them. Something like this— it made Hisoka feel odd inside. A light feeling he almost never felt.
For now, he was too far asleep to notice it.

Hisoka woke up to a much colder empty feeling. The person in his arms wasn't there anymore.
He frowned and slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes with a long yawn.

The heavy feeling in his chest quickly lightened when he saw Illumi walk out of the bathroom, rolling up shirt sleeves and looking as gorgeous as ever.

He spoke out of mainly curiosity, "Where are you off to?~ So early in the day as well..."

"A job." Huh. Hisoka didn't expect such a straightforward answer to be given. Regardless, he hopped up to follow Illumi wherever he may go. A voice interrupted his thoughts— a rather judgmental one at that, "Hisoka. Do you plan to go out in the same clothing you wore yesterday?"

"Well I don't have anything else to wea-" He was hit in the face with a ball of clothing. Nicer clothes too. Hisoka grinned cheekily as he quickly undressed and got changed. By then, Illumi was starting to leave— so he had to hurry over to him while fixing his hair.

They both got in the car, and it was only after Illumi buckled his seatbelt- that Hisoka remembered how violently Illumi's driving was.
So in a panic, he quickly buckled his own— Just in time for the car to jolt forwards at an ungodly speed.

By the time they arrived at a rather nice party, Hisoka's hair was messy again from all the sharp turns. He had to straighten it out and part it, since he hadn't gotten to apply more gel this morning.
At least his hair down wasn't a bad look. It was just inconvenient for fighting. For now, he didn't care. He was more upset that he couldn't do his face paint.

Illumi had informed him of what the job entailed while they were in the car. Hisoka gladly went along. It was a fairly standard job, an assassination on somebody who didn't use nen.
It seemed to be going rather smoothly, Hisoka was off to the side with a drink, simple examining the male assassin as he did his work. The person he needed to kill wasn't too important, and therefore only had one bodyguard.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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