Death Adder walks in the manor of Dr Joseph Bryant and Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder and Komodo also Gilgamesh and Rica. "Welcome to my home I heard wonderful things about out the four of you." Death Adder asked for his friends "who are you and what do you want with us?" Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder." I need your help with something, but for you to understand my past." Death Adder asked Dr Joseph Bryant. "Ok will we know more about him." Death Adder looks at El Tiro Rapido. Dr Joseph Bryant Tells El Tiro Rapido. "how was your trip?" El Tiro Rapido was staining the second floor silent. Then Dr Joseph Bryant Tells his origin of his families death and the birth of Dr shadows to death Adder telling him."it was in Houston Texas when I was twelve years old I came home to my whole family with their heads missing from their bodies and my home burnt to the ground." Death Adder asked "did they find the culprits?" Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder "yes but since I was born a woman becoming a man and I was a person of color, the judge of that case gave them a slap on the wrist." Death Adder asked "ok then what happened next?" Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder "I took justice in my own hands and I used my other name Dr shadows." Death Adder asked while looking at El Tiro Rapido. Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder "He's a deadliest assassin in the world and he's from Tijuana Mexico, he can't say anything though he lost his voice box and his right eye, because his dad sold him to the cartel." Death Adder asked Dr Joseph Bryant. "How and why is he so dangerous?" Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder "He can feel when people have bad intentions, plus he killed someone while he was in Mexico and they were three miles away with a bow and arrow." Death Adder tells both Dr Joseph Bryant and El Tiro Rapido. "You both have the same fighting spirit of Sebastous." Dr Joseph Bryant Tells Death Adder. That's why we made SB-21 it was based off him." Then Dr Joseph Bryant asked death Adder and Komodo also Gilgamesh and Rica. "Can myself and my friends SB-21 and El Tiro Rapido join your cause." Death Adder and Komodo also Gilgamesh and Rica all agreed to let them join their cause. Just then two clowns named pisces and Aquarius broke in the museum and had stolen the two gems of the zodiac signs. the pisces aquaMarine,also the aquarius Amethyst. But they got quickly them knocked out by zhang Jing and Rahab and they picked up the stones. Zhang Jing told Rahab they just got from the islands known as the Philippines to the town in the United States America. Known as Houston Texas"we have three so nine are left" Mean while Damian voss asked his mother Atzi how "how did you and dad meet?" Atzi tells Damian Voss. "we met a long time ago on the sores of what is now known as Acapulco."
By Eryk Rusch
The Tails of Argias
Fantasi©️it is a tail older than time with the birth of a vengeance and love and family lives, saving the world of evil gods, save humanity and the world with a team of heros, known as The Divine Sentinels. To Defeat Thor and his evil alliance of gods and...