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Sorry for any errors
Rae pov

His eyes widen and his mouth opened a little. We both stared at each other, never losing eye contact. Well until Luffy shoved me a little.

I blinked before quickly turning my head away and looking at Luffy. " You okay, rae?" He asked me with concern. "uh, yeah sorry." I apologized. What got into me? What the heck happened?

"Hey, you guys. You're an eyesore. Get lost!" Zoro demanded. "Ahh! Luffy! There's no way you could survive with him on your crew, even if you have rae!" Coby cried.

Suddenly a ladder landed next to coby, making him jump a little. A little girl poked her head up to our level. She looked around until she noticed us and she shushed us with a finger to her lips. She then looked around again before throwing a rope down the other side of the wall.

She climbed down the rope with something in her hands and ran towards Zoro. "Ahh! Oh no! Stop her, Luffy, rae! She'll be killed!" Coby yelled at us. We just ignored him and observed what was happening between Zoro and the girl.

Zoro looked up at the girl that was now in front of him. "What?" He questioned. The girl didn't seem to be scared of him for some reason.

"You must be hungry! I made you some rice ball!" She told him. She then started to unwrap what she was holding which I assume was the rice balls.

"Do you wanna get killed, pipsqueak? Scram!" He snarled. "You haven't eaten anything this whole time." The girl said. Once she finished unwrapping the rice balls, she held them up to him.

"Here! This is my first time, but I worked really hard to make them!" She said with a bright smile. "I'm not hungry! Your an eyesore! Get the hell outta here!" He yelled at her.

"But-" the girl was interrupted by a voice. "It's not nice to be a bully." The voice said. The person then walked through the now opened gate.

Why dose he have that haircut though? I didn't even think anyone would want something like that. But hey, If he likes it I can't say anything about it.

"You seem surprisingly well, Roronoa Zoro." The guy commented. "Thank goodness! He must be with the Marines! Now the girl will be safe!" Coby sighed in relief.

"Oh? Those are some tasty looking rice balls." The guy said before rudely snatching one from the girl. "Stop!" The girl demanded. He ignored her and took a bite of the rice ball.

His eyes immediately went wide and he quickly spit it all out of his mouth. "Too damn sweet! They're full of sugar! You're supposed to use salt for rice balls!" He yelled at the girl.

"But I thought they might taste better sweet.." she defended I'm a shy tone, looking down. Poor little girl. The guy didn't seem to care and started to stomp on the leftover rice ball.

"Take this! And this!" He said while attacking the now muddy rice on the ground. "Stop! Stop!" The little girl begged with tears in her eyes as she watched her creation get destroyed.

"H-how horrible." Coby mumbled beside me. Why would anyone do that? I mean she is just a little girl trying to do something nice.

Once the guy finished stomping on the muddy rice, he stand up straight. "Did you not read this notice?" He asked the little girl.

He then took out a piece of paper and started to read off if it. "Those who help criminals will be executed! Marine captain Morgan'. Looks like even little brats know how scary my dad is!" He commented.

"his dad?" I questioned softly, making sure they couldn't hear me. "Then that's captain Morgan's son!?" Coby realized with side eyes. "And you want to become like that?" I asked, looking over at him with a disgusted face. "Of course not!" He quickly rejected.

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