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Rae pov

On the way there, we bumped into luffy. He was panting hard and really sweaty. “hey! Luffy!” I shouted, getting his attention. He quickly came over towards us. “oh hey, rae and zoro! Can you believe usopp! He didn't say which way was north! “ he complained. “I guess usopp was just too in a hurry to save his village.” I laughed.

We all then continued our way towards the slope. Soon we arrived only to see many pirates charging at us. I quickly let go of Zoro's hand and took out Haze. I slashed many of them in one strike. Zoro and Luffy attacked too, sending all of the pirates flying back down the slope. 

“about time..” nami grumbled. “What were those unchallenging guys just now?!” Zoro asked, tying his black bandana to his head. “don't look at me! I'm not satisfied, though!” luffy complained, getting ready to attack again. “Go back home and train harder, tsk.” I said, glaring at them.

“What took you guys so long?!” Nami complained angrily. “you’re the one who got us stuck back there!” Zoro hissed. I can't believe this girl! “that was an accident! I couldn't be helped! It's better for one person to be saved than all three to stay down there.” Nami defended. “then you shoulda stayed!” we yelled at her. “you’re so gonna regret doing that!” I promised with a dark aura around me as I cracked my knuckles. She started to sweat a lot.

“Usopp you jerk! You didn't say which way was north!” luffy yelled, looking at usopp. “what?! You’re the one who ran off first, all full of confidence!” Usopp defended. “That was just because.” luffy said more calmly.

“Night is gone now. Captain kuro has a short temper. Hey, men! Don't tell me those brats you're all in?!” the weird hypnosis guy shouted. The guys we sent fly slowly started to get up off the ground. “listen! We don’t have time to be dilly-dallying here! if our enemy is strong, we just need to be strangers!” He then reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring he used earlier.

He started swinging it slowly in front of all of his men to see. “Now watch this ring closely!On one, two, jango, you guys will grow strong.” he said.

“what’re they doing?” luffy questioned, staring at the weird guy. “It's hypnosis! He’s trying to convince them to be strong! How ridiculous!” nami said. “one, two, jango!” the guy shouted.

His men then soon cheered loudly. One of the men went up to the side of the slope and punched the wall. A big piece of the wall soon crumbled down. The men cheered again.

“No way!” I shouted, looking at them in amazement. How is that even possible! Get stronger by getting hypnotized! “h-he gouged out the cliff! What power!” Zoro said in shock. “with that many people that strong..” usopp trailed off. “i didn't think that would work!” I confessed, still in shock of what just happened.

“go! crush anyone who gets in the way!” the weird guy commanded his men. They soon started to run at us like a pack of animals. Zoro then stepped up, sticking his arm out in front of me. “stand back, me and luffy will take it from here.” he said, looking at the people rushing towards us.

I quickly turned my head towards him with wide eyes. “what?! Why can't I go too?!” I questioned. He was about to speak but Luffy suddenly let out a yell.

“Ahhhhh!” luffy shouted while throwing his arms in the air above him. “you got hypnotized too!?” Zoro shouted before Luffy took off towards the enemy. “w-what a simple minded person!” nami said, helping usopp to walk. “gomu gomu gatling!" Luffy yelled while throwing many fast punches at them. When he stopped, he just stared at them while breathing heavily. They looked at him in fear, scared of what he would do next.

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