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Rae pov

“no! Uhh! I-i can explain!” Weird guy trembled. He was shaking so much. Siam also started shaking badly. Wow, they must really be scared of him.

Klahador pushed up his glasses before speaking. “Night is long gone now, so it seemed odd that the plan wasn’t making any progress…” he trailed off. His eyes scanned the slope where the fighting was going on.

“What is all this?!” he yelled angrily. “To think that these brats have held you back. How the black cat pirates have fallen.” he insulted coldly. He then dropped a bag he was holding onto the ground. “right.. Jango!?” He glared at weird guy. I guess that’s his name. Weird how he uses his own name when hypnotizing others.

“b-b-but..you said letting that kid go wouldn't cause any problems!” Jango reasoned while shaking from fear. Klahador sighed before pushing up his glasses. “ Yes, I did say that. But so what? We knew he was going to try to stand up to us. The only thing I didn't count on was you guys feebleness!” he yelled at them.

“who’re you calling feeble!” Siam suddenly shouted back. “watch what you say, captain kuro!” his brother backed him up. “You used to be strong, but it has been three years. It’s not like we partied while you lived the easy life in this village!" Siam told him, holding out his claws.

“That's right! We’ve attacked lots of towns and sunk lots of pirates! Now there is no way you can beat the  meowban brothers!” butchie finished before they both ran up to kuro to attack him. Janko tried to stop them but they ignored him and continued to run towards kuro.

kuro suddenly disappeared and the brothers ripped up the bag kuro had dropped earlier. Where did he go? He then reappeared behind the brothers with long swords on each of his fingers. Weird but okay. “he snuck behind us!” Siam shouted in disbelief. Kuro then disappeared again.

How is he doing that? Does he have a devil fruit like luffy? The brothers started looking around, trying to find kuro. I also looked around. “you’re right,” I heard Kuro say. I turned back to the brothers to see that kuro had a claw each to their necks, dangerously close. “I do feel a bit sluggish. I’ll give you five minutes.if you can’t take care of things here in five minutes.. Then I'll kill every last one of you.” kuro threatened before letting them go.

He then stepped away from the crying brothers. “five minutes should be enough! All we have to do is take care of that boy and a little girl. Five minutes will be more than enough time for them!” janko stuttered out.

My grip on haze tightened by the insult. “How dare you! I am no little girl, I am 19 years old! I am technically an adult!” I shouted at him angrily. “He’s just blind.” I mumbled to myself.

Siam and Butchie started to run at zoro. “five minutes is plenty of time to finish these kids!” Siam said, reading his claws to strike. “Let's start with this guy! The girl is probably gonna pass out any second from fighting us!” Butchie said. Why do these people hate me!?

”zoro!” I heard Nami shout all of a sudden. I look over to see her kick Zoro's two swords towards him. “h-hey! Now you’re kicking my swords too?!” he shouted before jumping up and grabbing them.

“Three swords make no difference!” Siam told him. “we are still gonna slice you!” butchie finished. Zoro ignored them and got in a position, readly to slice them. “You don’t get it, do you?” he asked them. He then jumped towards them, successfully slicing them two. “Just having three swords is different from knowing three sword styles!” he told them.

The brothers went flying and landed near Janko and nami. Zoro then glared at kuro. “don't worry, I'll crush every last one of you before your five minutes are up!” he challenged. “three minutes remin” Kuro simply said.

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