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Sorry for any errors
Rae pov

"yeah..who are you?" luffy questioned. "we're the town's citizens! Did the pirates have a falling out or something?! If you know anything, tell us!" one of them begged. "oh, it's just the citizens! I thought they were more of the pirates" nami sighed in relief.

One of them then spotted the passed out mayor on the ground. "oh, mayor! Oh, no! Say something! Hey mayor!" they then all rushed over to him. Trying to help him in any way they can. "the pirates definitely did this!" one of them concluded.

"sorry! I kicked that old man's ass!" luffy apologized, raising one of his hands. I sigh, shaking my head at his stupidity. The citizens snapped their heads towards us. "What?!" they yelled.

I'm done with this. "okay, I'm out of here. See you guys at the boat!" I told them while walking away. But then I stopped and looked at Zoro who was sitting on the ground. "need some help there, zoro?" I offered. "That would be great." he sighed. I laugh softly as I help Zoro get up.

With my help, Zoro and I started to walk towards the boat. Luckily, Zoro didn't wander off somewhere. I mean where is he gonna go if he can't walk by himself.

We were walking in silence, the only sounds were the footsteps on the ground. "hey, rae. Why were you staring at me earlier?" Zoro suddenly asked me. "What?" I questioned, turning my head a little to look at him. What is he talking about? When was I ever staring at him?

"Right before you dragged me to that ally way I was sleeping in" he said. He was awake!? I thought he passed out right away! My face started to get very hot like an oven. I quickly look away.

"i-i-i d-don't know what y-your talking a-about!" I told him. Darn it! Why do I have to stutter so much!? "oh, so you were checking me out?" he concluded with a sly smirk on his face. My face got even redder. "w-what! N-no!" I denied. I quickly covered my face with my hands, accidently dropping him

"hey! Don't just drop me!" he hissed. "Well, it's your fault!" I yelled back, pointing at him with an angry face. "How is it my fault!? I was just curious about something!" he defended. Why this guy!

"hey! Guys!" I heard luffy yell. I turn my head and see him waving while running towards us with nami. "What are you doing!? We gotta run away!" nami yelled, carrying the two big bags.

I don't want to deal with this seaweed hair anymore! "Luffy, you handle zoro! I'm too tired!" I complained. I mean it's not a lie. "Okay!" luffy said before picking zoro up and continuing on running.

What!? How can he pick him up!? He's really heavy! I guess I need to lift some more weights. I sigh and run with them towards our boat.

We finally arrived at the port. "That was scary! We managed to escape thanks to chouchou!" nami said, panting a little. "Who's chouchou?" I asked. I don't remember meeting anyone by that name. "oh yeah, You passed out! Chocho is the dog we meet." she said. Oh, that's a cute name for him.

"Hey, is this your boat?! It's great!" luffy said, looking at the other boat that is bigger than our tiny one. "i dont think it's so great. I stole it from some idiot pirates." nami confessed. "That's a big mouth ya got!" someone said.

All of a sudden the three guys from earlier showed up. All of them having a sword in their hands with a big grin. "been waiting for ya, thief girl! Never thought you'd run into us here, did ya?!" one of them said. Nami looked around, laughing nervously.

"oh you guys were the ones from earlier! So it was nami who stole your guys boat!" I concluded. That would be something she would do. "you know them?" Luffy asked. "They were in the water when we were chasing after you. They managed to jump in when we passed them." I told him.

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