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"We stole those lines!" luffy said, still laughing. "Huh?" usopp questioned with confusion. "from shanks!'' Luffy said. "s-shanks?! You know red-haired shanks, the great pirate?!" he asked in surprise. I lighted a little. "Your dad's yasopp, right?" i asked. They do look similar and both are good snipers. "Eh?" he questioned before he rolled down the cliff. He than quickly sat up and look at me with curious eyes. "Yeah, Yasopp is my old man. But how do you know that?" he asked. I laughed at him. "You're so cute." i told him.

His face flared up immediately. I laugh even more. "can we get food, now!" luffy wined. "do you know a good restaurant." i asked usopp. "yeah! Ill take you there!" he said, a light blush still on his face.

Usopp led us to a small restaurant. We went inside and sat down in a booth. We ordered a lot of food and once it came, we all dugged in. It was delicious. I got some strawberries and they were to die for. "Good, huh?!" usopp said, also digging into the food. I then remembered I was gonna tell him about his dad. "Me and Luffy met your dad when we were kids." I told him. "So my old man's on shanks ship?" he asked, leaning in a little bit. "yup you guys look the same, so when i first saw you, i wondered.'' I told him, finishing my food. I grab a napkin and quickly wip any food that was on my face. "really?! My old man's on such an awesome ship?!" he shouted in amazement. I guess he really loves his dad. "I don't know about now but I bet he's still with him. After all, your dad was a good sharpshooter!" I told him with a smile. Then Luffy took over. "yeah! He used to go on and on about his son. I think I heard enough about you to make my ears bleed. Yasopp was a great pirate!" he told usopp. "Yeah, huh?! I'm proud of my old man, who lept onto these possible endless seas to live with his life on the line!" Usopp said happily.

"then that makes this easier! Do you have any friends in this village who know how to sail and anyone who can supply a big ship?" Nami asked him. He sighs. "As you can see, it's just a tiny village, sorry, but we can't live up to your hopes," he said. "on the top of the hill. There was a huge mansion." Zoro said, looking out of a nearby window. Usopp flinches slightly. I narrow my eyes towards him. What is the story between the house and usopp?

"say! Do you know them, usopp?! Think you could ask them to help pay for one?" Nami asked him. "You can't go there!" Usopp yelled suddenly. We all stare at him before he quickly changes his expression. "i-i just remembered something i have to do! I have lots of influence here! Eat and drink as much as you want! Alright later!" he said before quickly getting up and leaving. "Why was he in such a rush?" nami questioned, confused on his behavior. "I'm guessing it has to do with that house on the hill." I told them while thinking of any possibility of why he would act that way. Maybe it has something important to him?

All of a sudden the door slammed open and three kids walked in. all three of them holding a small wooden sword in front of them. "the usopp pirates have arrived!" they yelled together. "Who are they?" Nami asked. Oh, it's the kids from earlier. "The captain is gone!" one of them yelled. "You don't think he.." another one said, looking at the other two. The leader of them ran up to our table. "h-hey, pirates! What'd you do with our captain usopp?!" he yelled out. The others ran and joined him at the table side. "that meat was yummy!" luffy sighed, patting his stomach. He just ignored the kids. The kids hide behind each other. "don't tell me the captain.." one of them said in a low voice. Nami giggled. Zoro then turned to look at them. "if you're looking for your captain. We ate him." he said, giving them an evil grin. "Ahhhhh! old hag!" they yelled while looking at nami. "what're you looking at me for?!" she yelled. The kids fell to the ground and we all laughed. Well, except for Nami who was still mad. "you just had to say something stupid!" she yelled.

The boys lead us to the mansion on the hill. "Whew, it was just a joke?" one of them said. Whow! This place is huge!" Luffy said, looking at the mansion. "If our captain ran off at the hour, he'd be here" a kid said, pointing to the house. I knew they were connected somehow. "Oh? What's he come here for?" uffy questioned them. "To lie!" one simply said. "That's a bad thing!" Nami said to the kids. "He's not a bad guy! He's great! Right?!" one of them said. I really need to find out their names. "how does that work?" I asked. How is lying a great thing? "kaya, the girl who lives here, is weak. And she had depression ever since her parents died from an illness a year ago. Even though she has a lot of money, she's so sad. So our captain tells his special made-up stories to make her laugh! Because our captain's the best at telling lies!" one of them explained. The others agreed.

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