Chapter One

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Shane Northman looks across the metropolitan night sky of New York city. His legs swing back and forth as he sits on the edge of an apartment building in Queens. Before he goes to bed, he likes to climb the five flights of stairs, past his apartment on the fifth floor, and relax by himself with just a blunt in his hand. Evenings can be so beautiful in New York City, there is something about it that eases away the anxiety that eats at the heart and mind. Though the quiet doesn't fade, the cacophony that New York constantly produces somehow adds to the euphoric feelings atop the apartment building, but perhaps that is just the weed talking. Shane sighs. Every day is the same depressing story but every night before bed is time away from it all.

The phone in Shane's pocket vibrates, disturbing the tranquility he has immersed himself in. Answering it angrily Shane says, "Who is it? I'm driftin' here."

"It's Bones. We need ya at the shop," the voice on the other end replies, "Boss says it's important."

Shane silently curses before saying sarcastically, "As the boss wishes, so shall it be."

The line disconnects and Shane pockets the phone. He flicks his remaining blunt into the air and watches as it plummets to the ground far below. For a moment he is the blunt as it falls silently and gracefully towards the cement below. He sees himself spinning, the wind rushing around his face and ears. Shane sees himself up on the ledge of the grungy apartments staring down.

Shane shakes his head, attempting to clear it. He gets to his feet and walks across the roof towards the doors that lead to the ten flights of stairs he'll need to descend. There is garbage strewn everywhere across the roof, and Shane is pretty sure that there are at least several dead animals rotting in some forsaken corner, but then again that is really no different than the rest of the apartment building. As Shane walks down the stairs, he passes Mrs. Colsby vacuuming her apartment with the door open. The putrid stench of beer and cigarettes oozes out of the doorway. Shane walks by and her heavy-set face lightens up as she shoots a welcoming smile. Shane nods in return, keeping his sole focus on not breathing until he passes.

After what feels like an eternity, Shane reaches the bottom floor and exists the horrid edifice. A minute later he hails a cab and climbs inside. Shane has the cabby drop him off a couple blocks from shop to not bring too much attention to the headquarters. After he leaves the cab, he nonchalantly touches the backs of his joggers where a ten-millimeter pistol is tucked away. Nerves crawl their way into Shane's mind like termites in wood. Even though it is late, the streets are still a buzz with people milling about. Most are drunks, but some seem to be the supercilious middle class. Shane passes one such couple. They seem to scoff at him with his hoodie up and hands hidden inside. Shane shakes his head. All people are intrinsically judgmental, they simply can't help it. Most probably don't want to help it.

"Like my parents," Shane mumbles, "Judgmental as hell."

"Good, you're here," Tostito says, opening the door for Shane, "Boss ain't in a good mood."

"Boss ain't ever in a good mood," Shane replies.

"Interrupted you on your weird ritual in your apartment, didn't I?"

"It's not a ritual man, just my daily smoke and relaxing view before bed."

"Nah, it's alright bro. We all got 'em."

"Anyway, why you want me here so late? What does boss want?"

Tostito shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly as they walk down a smoke-filled hallway with red lights shining down onto various people milling about, all armed and thirsty for something to go awry.

"Didn't wanna tell you over the phone, but the boss needs as much muscle tonight as possible, Shane."

Shane laughs, amused, "Yo, Tostito, you seen me recently? I'm the skinniest guy here, talkin' 'bout muscle. Heck, you'd find more muscle on a rat."

"Did you just compare yourself to a rat, Shane?" Tostito grins.

"I guess I did," Shane says, shrugging.

Tostito's smile fades as they reach the door to the boss's office. He looks at his longtime friend, repressing nerves that are eating away at his insides. Tostito has been best friends with Shane all throughout elementary and high school. They rolled their first joint together and got their first suspension together. They even dropped out of the same college together.

Tostito opens the door and the two step into the dimly lit room. There is a large desk that takes up most of the space. On each side of the desk is a large, bulky man. Their bodies are riddled with refined muscles desperately trying to break free from the shirts that cover them. Their purpose of intimidating visitors works well. Shane ignores them though. It isn't intentional; the young man just seems to care less and less about life and all its problems.

The man sitting behind the desk is of average build and height. His tan skin complements his strong jawline and piercing teal eyes. At first glance the man seems hardly deadly, but if you cross him or get in his way, you'd pray God finds you quickly and saves you.

"Glad to see you decided to join us," the man starts, his voice tenor and mellifluous, "I have made a bargain with Duke, we meet tonight. But what the leader of the Silver gang doesn't know is that I am bringing all my men to kill him and assume control of his business and assets. You're a talented dealer Shane and I wouldn't want you to die."

"Thank you, boss...sir."

"Don't thank me. In the end everyone's replaceable."

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