Chapter Two

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"Mom, when is Shane supposed to be here?" Mariah asks her mother for the fifth time, "I thought you said he was coming for Thanksgiving dinner."

Eliza Northman looks to her ten-year-old daughter and smiles softly, "Your brother said he was coming, he'll be here."

Mariah nods her head and scurries off to some corner of their house to play with visiting cousins. Eliza looks to her husband with a worried look written across her face.

Quietly she says, "I hope it's a good idea for Shane to show up."

"Of course, it is," Brecken Northman says to his wife comfortingly, "You know how much Mariah looks up to her older brother. She hasn't seen him in forever, it would be good for them to catch up."

"Yes, but that is what worries me. She looks up to him almost too much. With all the crazy stuff Shane is getting involved in, I don't want that to spill into Mariah's hemisphere. I don't want anything to happen to her."

"Don't worry, honey. Shane will be under my careful supervision."

Eliza nods her head and steps closer to her husband. She mumbles quietly, "I swear if he brings any drugs to tonight's gathering..."

Brecken nods his head and wraps his arms around Eliza. He says softly, "It will be good for them to see each other again."

As the day goes on and final preparations for the big dinner are completed, more and more people arrive to the Northman's house in Nolita. Family members reunite with fake smiles and laughter as they catch up after all the lost time since last year.

"The Northman's sure are doing well," says Aunt Soph to her sister, "How did they manage to secure a house in Nolita?"

"I know," sister Marble says, "Nolita is one of the most expensive places in New York City."

"One of the safest too, though."

"Yeah, I guess they've just given up on poor Shane and decided to move somewhere they don't have to worry about druggies and break-ins."

"Well, with Brecken's new position as head surgeon at his hospital them having money isn't surprising at all."

Aunt Soph and Aunt Marble are sitting in the entryway of the Northman's house, everywhere else is crammed full of people prattling on gossiping. Suddenly, they notice Shane in front of them, staring.

"How long have you been there?" Aunt Soph asks.

"Long enough to hear you say my parents want to get away from me," Shane says brusquely.

Aunt Marble opens her mouth to speak, but Shane walks on by without another glance.

"I knew this wasn't a good idea," Shane says quietly.

Shane walks into the crowded living room. People are constantly jostling around, elbows touching, trying to eat their food without their plate getting knocked out of their hands by a nearby family member. The cacophony of noise that rises from them sounds like a disconcerting racket of angry parrots chirping constantly at each other. Mariah instantly sees him walk through the double wide threshold between the entryway and the living room.

"Shane!" She squeals over all the loud noise.

Shane's gloomy and annoyed face is replaced with a warm smile as he sees his little sister run toward him. He kneels welcomingly as she flings her arms around him.

Tears slide down her face and she says, "I missed you so much Shane. I love you."

"I missed you too," Shane replies solemnly.

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