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''What happened between you and Sara?'', I asked Dylan.

He sighed. ''I talked with dad about my feelings for Sara. I knew Sara would listen to him, so I requested him to marry Sara with me. You know how much he loves her. So he went to talk with her and she accepted dad's request. I was really happy when she agreed to marry me. But I didn't realize she only agreed to marry me because of dad. Dad wants Sara to be with him, probably that's why he went to talk with her'', he explained.

''Jeez... typical dad'', I rolled my eyes.

''But I didn't know Sara fell in love with Jonas'', his words grabbed my attention. ''All I knew was Sara rejected Jonas when he proposed to her the first time. But since he doesn't give up, that's why I did that to...'', he paused.

''Trick us to marry each other'', I ended his sentence. He didn't say anything.

''I just want Jonas to stop pursuing Sara. I thought if he marries you, he will forget her and I can live happily with Sara but maybe it's my karma. After the marriage, I found out Sara wouldn't be able to accept me as his husband. I tried my best to make her happy but it was futile. She can't see my love for her'', his expression changed.

''One day, I admitted everything to her. I told her that I tricked Jonas to marry you. That's when she told me that she fell in love with Jonas too but was waiting until she completed her studies. Before that, dad requested her to marry me and she couldn't say NO. She told me she can't ever love me the way she loved Jonas'', he explained. ''She left and came back to work under dad... I busied myself working abroad in order to forget her'', he explained.

''Then why did you come back?'', I asked.

''I missed her...I miss you, Jonas....'', his expression changed. ''But...'', he paused. ''Because of my selfishness, I ruined everyone's life. I lost my sister, my best friend who trusted me more than himself and the woman I loved'', he said sadly.

''When I saw them working together, I couldn't help from getting jealous. At the same time, I want them to hate me for ruining their lives'', he added.

''You purposely let Jonas hit you so that he can pour out all his anger and frustrations on you'', I guessed.

Dylan didn't say anything. I shook my head disappointedly as I knocked his head.

''Ouch...'', Dylan groaned in pain.

''You guys are so stupid... Things wouldn't happen if you guys just communicated with each other! You could have told Jonas that you have feelings for Sara and tried your best to court her. But you didn't do that. Maybe Sara started to like Jonas because he was the first guy that loved her even after she rejected him. Whereas Sara store everything inside her and hide her feelings for Jonas because she's kind? NO'', I shake my head.

''Stupid, I would say. She's a coward for not admitting her own feelings. Things wouldn't have to come this far. Maybe you and I will be sad for a few years but we will get over it eventually'', I told him.

''But things happened. So what? Can you go back to the past and change everything? You made a mistake. Then take the responsibility for it. Did you ever apologize to Jonas or Sara or me?'', I asked him. ''It's ok if they don't want to forgive you but you should say sorry sincerely. That's the first thing you should have done long ago'', I sighed exasperatedly.

''You guys are so simple-minded'', I added.

Dylan smiles as he palms my head. ''You are indeed grown up well. Mom would be proud of you'', his words make me blush a little.

''Jeez... don't treat me like a kid'', I pushed away his hand. ''I am a beautiful grown-up woman'', I said proudly.

I stand up. ''Seems like you are fine. I got work to do. Unlike you, I'm a busy woman''

''Can you do a favor for me?'', he asked. I looked up at him. ''Can you tell them I'm in a critical condition?'', he asked me with his puppy eyes.

''Die'', I deadpan.

''Please Please, my dear sister'', he pleaded. ''I want them to worry for me so that they care for me and forgive me'', he shows me his cutest expression.

''This won't work with me'', I pointed out exasperatedly.

''You don't care for me... my own sister doesn't care for me...'', he fakes a crying tone. ''Just for this once.... Pleaseeeeee''

''Stop it. My ears are bleeding, my eyes are sore from seeing your annoying face'', I snapped at him.

''You will do it?'', he asks me with starry eyes.

''Fine'', I gritted my teeth. ''I will tell them you are not dying, at least'', I walk forward.

''Jazelle'', Dylan called me. I turned back to see him.

''Who is Jonas for you?'', he asked me. His words surprised me. ''I just wonder what is your relationship with him'', he questioned.

''What are you talking about?'', I scoffed. ''Definitely, he's no one for me''

''Ahh... I see'', he nodded.

''Dad is on the way here...'', I informed as I walked out of his room.

But Dylan's question bothered me.... He's right, what is my relationship with Jonas?

''Jazelle'', someone grabbed my arm.

''H...Huh?'', I saw Olivia beside me. Sara, Riley, and Jonas were looking at me.

''How's him?'', Sara asked.

''He's... fine...'', I told them. ''But he's not in the state to talk with anyone. So give him some time'', I shrug.

''He's purposely avoiding us'', Riley raised his brow. ''Anyway, I will beat him once he recovers'', he smirked.

''You guys should leave too... I'm leaving now'', saying that I walk forward. 

I met with Dad at the hospital entrance. He was with his bodyguards and I could see his tiring, worried expression. He didn't even notice me standing at the side.

He never noticed me even once. But Jonas noticed me. He noticed how much I worked hard, he noticed that I have Dyslexia, he noticed I cooked well.... But what's my relationship with him?

''Jazelle'', hearing Jonas's voice, I turned back to see him. He was right in front of me. He has always been there for me. ''What happened?'', he asks me.

''I want to divorce you'', I told him. He furrowed his brows with my words. ''It's better for both of us'', saying that, I walk away from him. 


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