To the present

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After Five years.....

''She's a great woman... Until her last breath, she fought for her life. Although she's suffering, she still smiles. She's such a strong girl'', Dylan said emotionally.

''Daddy, I want to be a strong girl like her'', his four-year-old girl, Jazelle said confidently.

''You will, dear...'', Dylan smiles. ''Now it's time for... playtime!!'', he charges towards Jazelle who ran away from his father.

''Mommy, help me... mommy, daddy wants to kill me with his laughter treatment'', little Jazelle ran to the kitchen and hid behind Sara.

''Dylan'', Sara raised her brow which halted Dylan.

''Hey baby'', he was giving puppy eyes.

''I told you to help her with homework'', Sara puts her hand on her waist; giving a scolded look.

''I'm just telling her our story'', Dylan pouted.

''You told her a hundred times'', she shakes her head.

Dylan laughs guiltily. ''Well, I can't help it'', he suddenly pulled Sara to him which startled Sara.

''Dylan'', she signs him little Jazelle behind her.

''My eyes have been set only for you'', Dylan said in his mischievous eyes and Sara laughed.

''You both are hopeless'', little Jazelle ran out exasperatedly. Dylan and Sara chuckle seeing her.

''By the way, how's Jonas?'', Sara asked in concern.

''Still the same'', he replied with a sigh.

Little Jazelle sees Richard and Diana entering the house and she jumps in joy.

''Yaayyy, grandpa and granny are back'', she ran to them and hugged them happily.

''Hello, our little bundle of joy'', Richard carries Jazelle.

''What you bought for me?'', little Jazelle demanded.

''We bought your favorite chocolates'', Diana winks.

''Yaayyy... chocolates'', she says happily.

''How's your trip, dad?'', Dylan who came out, asked his dad.

''Good'', Richard replied.

''We had so much fun together'', Diana clung to Richard's arm and said excitedly. ''We planned another trip'', she smirked.

''Kids are here'', Richard said; looking flushed. He's still not used to being pampered by Diana in public.

''Grandpa, you are blushing'', little Jazelle pinches her grandpa's cheek.

''No I'm not'', Richard fakes a stern look although his cheek is reddened. Dylan and Sara laughed seeing Richard's expression.

Jonas is drinking alone in his house with his dark expression. Someone patted on his shoulder. He turns back and sees Riley and Dylan in front of him.

''We are here for you'', Dylan said cheerfully.

''Get ready... let's visit her today'', Riley encouraged. 

Jonas didn't say anything. He went to his room to change his dress. He sees Jazelle's big frame attached to the wall in front of him. He walks to her picture and touches her face.

''I miss you Jazelle'', he smiles lightly.

Riley reaches the graveyard. Once arrived at the grave, Jonas puts a bouquet of flowers on the grave.

''I hope you are doing well there...'', he stated. ''Thank you for everything you did for me'', he said emotionally.

Someone knocked on Jonas's head. ''Ouch'', he groaned. 

He turns back and sees Jazelle in front of him, giving him an are-you-serious look.

''Seriously Jonas? Just one day I left you for a business trip and you are being over dramatic'', she scoffed.

''Hey, what did I do? I lost my parrot who talked with me while you were gone'', he pouted.

''Did you forget it was killed by your own cat?'', Jazelle was giving a firing look. ''You are purposely doing this to make me come after you'', she sighed exasperatedly.

Riley and Dylan laughed.

''What kind of friends are you both? Getting along with his drama'', she shakes her head.

''Well, we are just helping our best friend to mourn for the death of the parrot'', Riley and Dylan said together.

''How irony'', she replied sarcastically. ''Let's go now'', she ordered.


Okay, if anyone thinks Jazelle is dead, no she's not... hehehe.... 

She survived.... check on the next chapter ;) 

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