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After Diana left, I think back on what I did to people close to me. I feel guilty for not listening to others.

''What have I done?'', I hate myself for being an ass.

Someone rang the ring again when I was regretting my past actions. Opening the door, I saw my teammates in front of me.

''Boss, we missed you'', A jumped on me and hugged me.

''A?'', I looked surprised.

''You didn't come to the office for a few days... so we wanted to drag you to the office'', B shrugs.

''I....'', I feel sad for letting down everyone. ''I'm sorry''

Someone knocked my head. I see Q looking upset.

'' are our boss'', she said confidently.

''We don't care about your personal matter, if you don't come back to the office, I'm going to fucking beheaded you'', T shoots a dead glare which makes me gulp down my saliva.

''Let's go to our office'', A winks.

I smiled and nodded.

After work, I went to my father's house but was hesitant to enter. I see my father jogging with Sara. My expression changed when I saw a bandage on Sara's head.

''It's my fault'', I sighed. 

The next day, I was determined to go to my father's company to meet my father. After mustering courage, I walk to my father's office room. My steps halted when I saw my father walking out of his office. He saw me in front of me but he passed through me; ignoring my presence.

''Dad'', I called. He turned back to see me. ''I... I...I'm sorry'', I said guiltily.

''It's ok'', his response makes me feel relieved.. ''You always let me down anyway. I got used to it'', he said as he walked away from me. I feel down with his words.

What am I expecting after throwing such words at him? I didn't respect him at that time. He must be hurt....

When I was walking in the street, I blame myself for making my father hate me more.

''Boss, we need to attend a client's party. He invited us over'', B informed. ''But we all are busy... can you go there yourself?'', she asked.

''Do I have a choice?'', I sighed.

Entering the party, I noticed many VIPs with their families. I'm all alone right now. My head was aching when the music started to play. Damn, I just want to leave early

After grabbing a drink, I walked towards the table when I saw my father and brother in front of me. They were talking to some people and then headed my way. My father saw me there but he ignored me as he walked forward. Same goes for Dylan. Probably he's still upset with me.

My head was spinning around. I grabbed my head; feeling the pain. Recently I feel exhausted and tired. I skip my meals and ignored my health. 

''Miss, are you OK?'', someone asked me. ''Your nose is bleeding'', he said.

Everything blacked out as I felt myself fall to the ground. It hurts.

''Jazelle'', someone taps my cheek. Who is that?  

''Jazelle, can you hear me?'', It's Dylan.

Someone holds my hand; I feel the warmth. ''Bring her to the hospital'', with the slits out of my eyes, I saw my dad holding my hand whereas Dylan looked worried. Then everything turned black again.

''She's fine... Seems like she's stressed. I've sent her blood to test. Otherwise, everything is OK'', hearing someone's voice, I opened my eyes slowly. My head is still aching. I saw Dylan beside me.

''Hey'', he looked worried.

''W...where is... dad?'', I asked. I want to see my father. He must be worried for me too. Right?

''He...umm.. Left'', Dylan's words disappointed me. ''He has an important meeting right now. Once the doctor said you are fine, he left'', he stated.

Dad didn't wait for me until I woke up...

''He was worried for you'', Dylan said; probably after seeing my expression. I smile.

''I'm sorry'', I said sadly. ''For not listening to you''

''Leave it'', he shakes his head. ''How are you feeling now?'', he asked.

''I'm fine'', I replied.

Dylan then dropped me back at my house. Doctor advised me to take a rest and take the prescribed medicines.

''Jonas is not around. You can come with me to our house and stay there until he returns'', Dylan suggested.

''No'', I shook my head. ''I'm comfortable staying here. And I want to wait for him. I made him angry so I need to apologize to him'', I stated.

''Okay... but call me if you need anything'', he advised and I nodded. 


This is a short chapter..... :)

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