I love you

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(Uploaded early to make up for not uploading for a day ,I hate myself sm 😭, idk wtf I'm doing rn, I've never written smut b4


"please.." you mumbled, your face heating up as you looked away

"What was that?, speak up dear~" he moved you so you were leaning against the headboard of the bed

"Please-!" You whined,

He smirked as he began to trail kisses down your neck, as he removed your top

You whimpered and wrapped your arms around his neck as he reached a sensitive part of your neck, he began to place love marks down to your collar bone

He moved his knee between your legs, beginning to not so gently rub his knee against you,

You let out a soft moan as your hips bucked slightly
His hands trailed up your back and un-clipped your bra as your hands gripped his hair, pulling his head up a bit so you could kiss him

Your needy whines muffled by his lips against yours
, Your hips instinctively grinding against his leg

His hands made their way to your breasts, softly fondling them.
You pulled away slightly
"..fuck~, Will~" you moaned out, ignoring the pain in your arm as your grip on his hair tightened
"Easy love~, you'll rip my hair out if you keep that up" he chuckled,
your hands slowly dropped to his back , sliding up to his shoulders and down his chest, and tugging on his shirt.

He smirked and leaned back "okay, okay, it's not fair if only one of us is stripping" his eyes scanned the scene in-front of him , as he took off his shirt

You shimmied out of your, technically his, pants as he did the same, he paused for a moment,

"you're beautiful..y'know that?" He murmured,
You sat up, leaning back on your arm.

"It makes me want to ruin you~.." he muttered, leaning over and opening the bed side drawer

"Well then.. ruin me~" you were flustered by your own words

Did I seriously just say that-??? What's wrong with me -

You heard William grab something, he moved slowly, revealing a small knife
You froze

"h-hey I didn't mean literally"

He moved closer to you, his hand trailing up your leg, stopping above your knee,
His eyes went from the knife, to your leg.

Does he want to..oh my god-

you resisted the urge to laugh a bit when he looked at you, a pleading look flashing across his features for a moment
You hesitated, then nodded "just.. be gentle"
He smiled "I'll try"

You felt a sharp pain as he pressed the knife against your skin, slowly cutting something into your leg, you didn't look, it would hurt more if you did

"Alright, what do you think?" He asked
You looked over to see "W.A <3" carved into your leg, a very noticeable place too

"I-, I love it" you smiled, pain still radiating from the wound, blood started to well up in the cuts,
Will leaned down for a moment, shivers ran down your spine and a quiet whine escaped your mouth as he ran his tongue over the cuts, licking the blood off you
He placed a kiss next to his little art piece on your leg before moving and placing the knife back on the bed side table, grabbing something else

&quot;More than friends&quot;(William afton x reader )Where stories live. Discover now