Life saver

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You shot up, gasping for air as your hand held a handful of the hospital gown around your chest

The doctors stared at you as you sat there, sobbing and hyperventilating

"She's.. but how? How is this possible? She was dead for almost 10 minutes-.." one breathed

William pushed his way back into the room, hurrying over to you and pulling you into a hug

"Bloody hell y/n- i thought you were gone-!" Choked out as he squeezed you

"I dont want to do that ever again.. never.. I don't want to go back.." you muttered

"What do you mean love..?" He pulled away, looking at you ,concerned

"They did this.. they held me back- I- I couldn't move, I had to watch myself die and then you- I yelled and cried but you couldn't hear me- no one could.. I don't want to do that again.." you sobbed pulling him back into a hug, burying your face in the crook of his neck

"It's alright darling.. nothing like this is ever going to happen again.. I'll take care of it.. trust me" he murmured

—big time skip—
Y/n was discharged from the hospital, with some prescribed pain killers and to be put on bed rest for another few days to a week

"Hey will-?" You stared at the ceiling, thinking back to the other day

"What do you need dear?" He yawned

"What did you mean when you said you'd 'take care of it' and that it'd 'never happen again' ?" You questioned as you picked your head up to look at him

"Ah, yeah, about that.. I've been meaning to ask something" he paused, sitting up "you already know about my experiments.. so, I wanted to know if you'd let me.. inject you with remnant..?" He chuckled nervously, reaching his hand up to scratch the back of his neck

" it painful? Could I die from it?, why didn't you ask me before?" You began to pester him with questions

"It causes.. some discomfort, you can't die from it, it would defeat the purpose of it, I didn't ask you before because there was no reason to" he explained

"Hmm.. alright, I'll let you give me that stuff" you sighed as William got up, he left the room and disappeared for a few moments


"This might hurt a bit.." he murmured as you held your arm out, William lightly flicked the top of the syringe, the pink liquid swirling around as he did

One of his hands held your arm while he injected the gross liquid into your arm

You were fine for a for a moment, until you felt a slight burning sensation, Slowly getting more noticeable

You hissed as you held your arm "it burns-" tears pricked the corners of your eyes

"I know love, it hurts for a few moments, it'll be over a minute, I promise" he murmured as he held you close, not being able to actually do anything about the pain


"Y/n- you passed out-" William murmured as you opened your eyes

"Eh..? Damn it.." you huffed "so- I'm immortal now? Or whatever-" you mumbled, examining yourself as you sat up

"Yeah, well, you can still die just not fully, y'know? Your body can die but your soul still stays" he attempted to explain as you Looked at him

"Makes sense.. kind of, woo hoo-! No more death scares" you chuckled , William smiled

"So glad for that, heh, that last one really got to me.." he sighed holding his hand out, you held his hand, gently rubbing your thumb over his knuckles

"Oh Cmon, you know I'd never leave ya will" you smiled at him

He gently pulled you in and hugged you

"You really had me so worried.." he mumbled

"Stop Bein' all sappy with me, I'm perfectly fine now" you giggled as you hugged him back for a moment before pulling away a bit

You leaned in and kissed him, his hands slid around your hips, which made you flinch, pain radiating from where his hand was, you pushed his hand away, as you moved away slightly

"Ah- sorry love.. it was a force of habit"  he put his hands behind him

" it's alright, don't worry" you glanced down at your stomach, slightly stained bandages tightly wrapped around you " can we take these off? I want to see what it looks like" you looked up at him

He nodded "if you can stand, I'll take them off" he smiled as he got up, heading into the bathroom for a moment to come back with scissors

You pushed yourself off from the bed, whining as you felt a stabbing pain in your stomach, you stumbled forward a bit, before standing up straight

"I did it" you had a smug look on your face as you realized you did something without Williams help

"Great job Darling" he slightly shook his head as he chuckled, coming over to you

You hadn't been wearing much since you came back, so William could monitor your wound, you were only wearing a bra and it was starting to bother you

William slowly and carefully cut the bandages off, and threw them in the trash, you made your way to the bathroom and looked in the mirror

"Woah.. I'm like you now" you giggled, there was a huge scar across your stomach,  right above your belly button, you gently brushed your hand over it,

"Hehe- will look- we're twinsss-.. will are you alright?" When you turned to look at William, he was


The poor baby... baby murderer

Word count 936 sorry it short yalll

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