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Yeah... let's do as always. This isn't just some normal clans with worthless prowess. Fortunately, today was my lucky day, the guards were sleeping soundly.
(We have to be discreet or we'll have to go through unnecessary interview, it seems like the clan is more and more wary of outers. Because of the Nine tail's fox attack 4years ago, the uchiha clan was feared and put aside. Eventually, the clan lost most of the trust they put into the leader of konoha)

-let's hurry Naruto!
-uhm... are you sur-

I drag him and sprint to the inside. We stop when we were far enough from the gates. I then slow my pace and head to Sasuke's house. I knock and wait.

-what are we doing here sakura-neesan...
-we are here to meet a guy your age you'll be able to befriend.
-trust me a bit Naruto.

The door slowly open to a really pretty woman.
-oh my! If it isn't Sakura-chan!!
-good morning Mikoto-san!

I bow a bit to show courtesy.
-as polite as ever, oh, and who is that young boy you brought?
-this is Naruto Uzumaki, if it isn't a bother I would like him to befriend Sasuke! I wanted my friends to be friends as well!
-Naruto.. Uzumaki...?
-well, nice to meet you little one.
-good m-morning! N-nice to meet you!
-no need to be that nervous~ you'll surely get along well with my son!

He showed her a bright smile and she instantly fall in love. It's the power of a sunshine!
-now come inside, Sasuke is in his bedroom, and you sakura you know where it is right?
-yes! Thank you Mikoto-san!
-aww you're welcome.

I run upstairs holding Naruto's hand. And I smash the door open.
-why are you so surprised? I always come in like that?
-you should learn how to knock!
-wait, what is it that you're hiding behind your back? OHH of course!! You won't be so surprised if you had nothing to hide!
-wh-what! N-NO I'm not hi-hiding anything!
-that's suspicious, then let me invade your personal space to find out about what you're hiding.

I get closer to him, carry him from his arms and put him away.
-oh so that's what you were hiding. A picture of your brother~
-I have no such interest in your brother, here. Your ~dear~ older brother.
-you're annoying.
-anyways, that's not what I'm here for. I wanted to introduce you to my little brother.
-you have a little brother?
-yes, introduce yourself.
-m-my name is Naruto Uzumaki... nice to meet you.
-my name is Sasuke uchiha... it must have been hard right?
-it can only be a nightmare...
-so you understand me?!
-yes.. Sakura must be a pain.

he started screaming as I run after him.
-C'mon Naruto! Sakura is the wolf that will eat us if she caught us!!
-h-huh okay!!

I started chasing after them while rawring, imitating a wolf. We eventually go out and continue our game outside.

After 2hours of playing, the two were already out of breath.
-you're weaklings.
-you want to spar with me?!
-when you can't even stand on your feet? No thank you. And I don't spar with weakling.

-you seem to have played well.
-oh? Shisui-san! How are you?
-i'm fine, what about you?
-i'm good, unlike those two who can't even run a bit.
-ah.. haha...
-anyways, what are you doing here?
-i'm just taking a stroll.

-ooooh~ it seems like you're inlove.
-how did you even get to that conclusion?
-your face is flushed and you're keeping your hands together. Well, it still an assumption made out of two symptoms.
-love isn't-
-it is, a disease. But you didn't deny the fact that your inlove~

He looks away, nervous. I hug his arm and draw a mischievous smile on my face.
-who's the lucky girl~?
-you don't know her!
-if you want I can help~ but I'm not cheap, you gotta pay me for services.
-what are you trying to do.
-what four year old do business?
-pfff you really don't know me at all. To think that you're my bestfriend?! I'm hurt.
-did you know that I was going to leave konoha tomorrow?
-you're leaving?!
-that's it!You're not my best friend anymore.
-wait! It's your fault for not telling me!
-you spy on me when I didn't even know you and now you don't know of such a simple thing?

-you thought I didn't notice you, that time where I almost got robbed and maybe killed.
-how did you eve-
-shhhushushushh I don't talk with stalkers.
-then how is it that we were bestfriends not long ago?
-well, it just snapped in my head. Anyways, it's time for lunch! Sasuke, Naruto, let's head inside!
-don't forget to wish me a safe trip tomorrow at 8am at the gates!

We head to sasuke's house, eat lunch then go outside, play, eat dangos, play at the lake, visit the forest and play again. It's 17h when we part. I walked them both to their house and regained mine after strolling alone in the streets. On my way I saw everyone (especially women) holding my book and reading it like it some kind of art (it is a masterpiece but calm down).

I sleep at 21h after tidying my room,eating dinner, packing my things and then studying.

The next day mom wakes me up at 7, we move our things to the carriage at the gates and wait for some paperwork and irrelevant things to be completed by dad.

No one came to wish me a safe trip... well, It's to be expected. They are shy and think that they would show me something unsightly by bringing themselves infront of me hohoho.

Well, Shisui's gonna be there at the very least. Since I told him to come. And itachi too, he'll probably try to hide somewhere and secretly wish me farewell.

I wait.

-Sakura! Let's go, we're already 10min late.

I slowly get into the carriage so that they won't miss my departure.

They'll come.

I guess not. Sheesh, am i hated by everyone or something? We're already far from konoha. Ugh, I didn't expect anything so why would I feel sad. It would be so childish.



Ew, what is this thing that fell on my hand. Oh, water drop? Where did it come from?

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