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Pain, grief, hurt, we all go through them, and in the process, we learn something about ourselves, how we can overcome and how we can strive foward, when you're at rock bottom, the only way to go from there is up, and for us witches, we tend to soar, that's what my cousin Adrian always said to me, still does, and for a while, I've started to truly believe him, believe that when you've been knocked down so hard, in pain and hurt, the only way is go up, and rebuild yourself, so that you'll find love and peace again, but I wasn't sure I had gotten there yet, I still had doubts, fears and insecurities. "Still going to lock yourself up in my room all day?" Riley questions as he walks into the room in nothing but boxers, he was feeling lazy, if he wanted to go to work, he'd be ready by now.

"No, I just don't want to face the world." I mumbled in response and he snickered. "Its been a week and a few days, you can't pause your life just because some alpha can't see what's in front of him and cherish it, and I wont let you stay in that bed anymore, come on." I knew his words were true, I couldn't do that to myself, so I let him drag me out of bed and into the shower, thankfully he didn't open the cold water valve, I wasn't ready for that kind of torture, as I cleaned up he walked into the adjoined closet. "Remember those designs you made for the interior?" He asserted and I just hummed. "Most families moving into the houses with that interior loved them, and more have been requested with different colour schemes, so all in all, we did a great job." He concluded making me chuckle. "How did we do a good job, I was the one who did the design." I pointed out making him snicker. "It was a team effort little brother, I have to take credit for something." He argued even more making both of us laugh.

I appreciated him in that moment, he was my pillar, my constant and he would always be there, to make me happy again. Small shorts, Riley's sweater, hair in a messy bun, we were downstairs enjoying our breakfast, something I actually took initiative in after locking myself in Riley's room for almost two weeks. It had helped me, just being myself in there, put a lot of things into perspective but I had to get back into the world, Riley couldn't manage the bakery and his firm at once, it took a toll on him. "So, what are you doing today?" I asked my brother hoping I could tag along, I always did it when we were kids. "Going to work obviously, plus I need to iron out some issues with Zaya's father and the beta." He said the last part in a groan and stabbed his sausage, whatever it was, it was not good.

"Mind if I tag along?" I asked just as someone banged on the front door. "I'm, coming!' Riley yelled as he walked to the door and I waited to see who it was. "Whoa, Kirk breathe." I heard Riley exclaim and that made me realize the future beta was in our home. "What do you want?" Riley finally asked as the man calmed down. "The ceremony, it's a disaster—." Kirk relayed and I was intrigued, I knew Julian's somewhat, engagement or mating ceremony was today but why would it be a disaster. "What does that have to do with us?" I asked and that's when they finally noticed me. "River, h—hey, you look amazing." Kirk muttered making me sigh, lycans. "Thanks, but back to you, what does it have to do with us." I demanded and he swallowed hard. "I'll tell you, his father told me that I was trying to gain more power in the pack, he also called the head warrior and told him the reason why I was dating Zaya was to make sure I had a solid place in the pack." Riley responded shocking me.

Why would they even assume that, was it just hard to accept that there were people out there who did good things simply because they were good. "Get out." I told Kirk and he was deflated. "Please, you owe us nothing, and my family, the pack, they've insulted you I know but this ceremony is important to us, there are guests coming and we can't afford to look like fools, whatever you charge, I will pay you just please, help us, Kara is shit terrible at this planning or executing any sort of event, so I'm begging you, help us." Kirk pleaded and I knew each word he spoke was the truth, I couldn't be lied to, no at a lot of people knew that, so when Kirk pleaded, I knew he was telling the truth.

"Lets seal this deal with a covenant spell, you'll pay us every penny for this intervention, if you don't, you and your bloodline will wither away." I exclaimed making sure he truly understood the gravity of what he was accepting. "I understand." Kirk replied as he held out his hand, Riley shifted his hand into claws and slashed open the lycan's palm. "By your blood, this bond I seal, merus entres soldis." I placed the spell as a sigil burned itself onto his arm. "Now can we go, we only have a few hours." Kirk hurriedly spoke and I looked to Riley who nodded. "You sure about this, he's bound to be there." He whispered in my ear and honestly, I wasn't sure about my decision, what I was sure about, was that I couldn't be his dirty little secret, whatever happened, I put me first.

So we all got into Kirk's car and he sped off toward the pack grounds, I wondered what sort of nightmare waited for me there. Riley began making calls and I began to create a checklist. "Uhm River—." Kirk mumbled and I turned to face him with a quirked brow. "You got a date for tonight?" He asked and I wondered why I needed a date, I had no plans, unless. "No I don't, I'm not attending." I quickly replied before he said his next words. "Come on everyone will be there, I was kind of wondering if you'll be my date." He whispered the last part but I still heard him and it made me slightly choke on air. Riley was chuckling behind me as Kirk was rubbing his back in embarrassment. The car came to a halt and I immediately got out, thank you goddess, that was awkward.

"Kirk has a crush on you." Riley teased and I glared at him. "Shut up." I ordered as my cheeks burned. "So where are the tables, where is anything really and are those logs?" Riley asked as we looked around and I turned to look at Kirk. "This is the disaster, Kara wanted a fairy tale to become reality, its an open field with wet grass, her cushions got drenched." Kirk admitted making both Riley and I burst out laughing. "Tell everyone to stop what they are doing, and we assemble here, Riley call Danton, tell him to close the bakery and bring everyone here." I told my brother and he nodded getting a distance from us to make more calls. Kirk had gathered the wolves so I could give them instructions. "Okay, here is everyone." The beta spoke up as he stood with the lycans, they all seemed tall and intimidating, I was used to it by now.

"Okay everyone this is clearly a disaster, wait, what are those red solo cups for?" I asked one particular lycan and everyone looked to them. "The drinks, no one organized for any sort of dinnerware." They replied and my heart finally sunk, there was a lot to do. "Okay everyone, this is what we are going to do." I announced levitating into the air then snapped my fingers, four bands appeared in my hands. "We are going to split into four teams, black, purple, white and green, team black, you're cleaning up everything set up, purple, after the clean up youre setting up the tables, I will give you the order in which to set them up, since I hear we have very important guests coming, white, youre responsible for anything dinnerware related, and making sure its in the right spot, green, you're handling guests, any complaints, any queries, any delays, they go through you to me, another team will come in and do the catering, its not a party if there is no food, no matter how formal, if you have any problems, find me, lets get to it." I explained everything and all of them got to work.

"Wow, you're a natural leader." Kirk commented making me smile, I guess it was in my blood. We made our way to where the ceremony was being done, guests would be seated around it. "A small pyre in the middle, bring the logs over, and I will show you how to place it." Riley was already there making sure it was perfect, I was grateful because that would've been hard for me, as much as I wanted not to feel hurt, I was hurting, but I had to be strong, to get through this. "Hey boss, we are here." Danton addressed me and I was grateful to have them there, to have some sort of familiarity there. "Three course meal, make loads of starters and desserts, make sure you clean up the pack house kitchen after." I instructed Danton whilst handing him the menu, he was capable of assembling and working without my supervision, I trained him well.

As everything came together, Kirk and I were alone again, he seemed exhausted but I couldn't blame him, there was a lot to do. "So about my question?" He started and I turned to face him, I wanted to disagree, everything in me, was telling me to say no, but wasn't moving on letting go, and opening yourself to new possibilities. "Yeah, I will be your date." Any fate after, I had sealed.



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