Luna, Mother, Mate, Reunion cut short.
A few days in the pack, River's parents had been accepted by the pack, they had made an impact much like their children, I adored Jocelyn though, she was the one I talked to about my insecurities when it came to everything I was facing, she always put everything in perspective and always had a way of making me laugh, I had met her magical version and just like that version of her, she was warm, like a mother, strong willed and brave, she was also fesity like River, he got a lot of traits from her and it made him even more unique, Kalder was the brooding yet lovable bear, he would seem like he wants to bite your head off yet do the opposite, he was also a fierce killer and scared the shit out of me sometimes, he also took over training from my father and the head warrior, I've felt pain in places I never thought I could feel pain but it meant I was getting stronger, that I could take it.
Making my way into the theatre watch above the surgery I breathed out my anticipation, my nerves and my fear, a part of me dreaded this procedure, what if it didn't work, what if it took more magic than my mother in law to be and mate had, that was a ridiculous thought but still a thought. Learning that my mother had a magical curse was shocking, learning that it had been in her bloodline for a long time was worrying, did it mean that if ever River and I were to have children again it would take him under, I worried not only for my mate but my siblibgs as well, they will have kids one day, will it affect them too. "You know worrying and over thinking leads to stress for your mate right and he'll be forced to block out your emotions." Kalder exclaimed as he came to stand by my side in the spacious room.
I hadn't known that I could do that, and it made me feel guilty for burdening River. "You didn't know and thats okay, just try to relax, everything will be okay, my mate, my son they know what they are doing, and Chad, he's been trained by one of the strongest witches I know." He comforted as he led us both to our seats. I didn't argue because it was bad arguing with him and also because he was right, they knew what they were doing, I was over thinking things, the threat that hung over our heads led me to it. He hadn't made a move knowing we killed his decoy, and I'm sure it was because he never clearly got to a point he could truly agree that he saw how we would fight him, he needed a strategy, the other packs had sent word that he tried to attack them but they were protected and fought his rogues back, they were safe.
If he wanted to get to us, he had to attack soon and I hoped that soon wasn't today, I couldn't have him interrupt my mother's revival, I just couldn't. "Julian—" I heard the faint call of my name. "Julian." It had more force and I came out of my own thoughts. "Remember what I told you." Kalder reminds whilst chuckling, I remember and groan, I was stressing River, I tried to apologize through our bond or just project my feelings toward him, I hit a titanium wall, he had blocked me out. "He blocked you out huh." My almost father in law joked as my dad walked into the room with his beta, headwarrior and Elder Errin with a few more elders who wanted to see my mother wake again, she had been gone for too long. "Everyone, silence, we are about to begin." Jocelyn called out as she snapped her fingers and a silver shimmer was released into the room. "She cleansed the room of spiritus residue." Kalder explained lowly as we all watched.
River began planting candles on every available surface in the room, then followed by making a tetragran of salt beneath the surgery table after his mother levitated it up, Chad followed by drawing runes on all six points of the tetragram, after he was done my mother was placed back on the ground. "Candulus incendia." River whispered as white flames flared up on every candle he placed in the room, the salt shimmered beneath their feet as they started the procedure. "It's a sleeper pathogen, a living curse, for it to affect her lycan it had to be rooted in her mind and heart, but to be activated by giving birth it would need to have rooted itself in her uterus aswell, the most crucial part is her mind, we'll start there, move to her heart then her uterus, sedate her then we'll start extraction with the solution." River explained to his mother and Chad, he gave the tablet he was holding back to Riley who was standing by to assist.
I had volunteered but I couldn't, apparently if anything happened outside, I would be the first wall of defence, it made perfect sense, I just didn't like it. "Sedated." Jocelyn exclaimed as Chad conjured a flame into his palms and set it on the items they would be using to perform surgery on her. Steadily River made an incision on the skull after Riley shaved the spot, his mother assisted by Chad came over with the extractor solution, she placed her hands in the large metallic bowl, her magic shimmered just as she moved them upwards with a bubble being created, River moved to them, he kept the bubble held together as it penetrated the part of my mother's head that been cut open, as they removed it, a black substance came out with it, it moved within the bubble like a caged animal frantically searching for escape, Riley came over with a large vial with runes drawn all over it, I had seen Chad and River make them, they were containment vials.
Once it was in, they sealed it with magic, they continued the process over and over again until an apparent change could be seen, my mother's skin colour wasn't as pale and lifeless anymore, it was working. They finished up with her head and closed the incision, healing it in an instant, I could see Riley inject my mother with an inhibitor according to Kalder, it would stop the pathogen from trying to attack her mind again. They continued the process over her heart, slowly and steadily they completed the process over her heart, when River pressed his hand over the large incision he had made healing her, her heartbeat became strong, my father suddenly shot up to his feet, we could hear her heartbeat, it was so faint before now it was like a drum. "Da—." I wanted to get him to sit down but Kalder held me down, and I knew, I had to let him be.
"Okay mom, this is the tricky part, I'm sure my mate wants more siblings." River joked making all of us chuckle, he was a true blessing, I was grateful for him. They began the process just as they were met by resistance, River had told me it would fight back. "Ehnukat matmora vidhyut soles manstra: I reverse the curse of a bitter age, I reverse the curse of a broken age, I reverse the curse that would cause calamity and death: By the flame of clarity burn." He cast the spell placing his palm on my mother's stomach just as his hair turned into flames, a shrill scream echoed in the operating room as Chad and Jocelyn moved their hands into the solution, then the bubble into the incision, more shrill screams echoed in the operating room as magic finally filtered the air and made it sizzle, I watched as Riley rush to grab the largest container and Jocelyn pull out the large of the pathogen from my mother, River still kept burning it out and his mother pulled until it was uprooted, root and stem then forced into the container, once in, Chad sealed it completely.
The three witches released a wave of magic into the room that shut off the lights and candles leaving us all in complete darkness. "What happened?" I frantically asked just as candles flared back to life, then the heart monitor, then the lights revealing four people with happy smiles on their faces. "Let's stitch her up and inject her with the healing solution, we can't take risks so Chad get the counter vaccine Clarke has it outside." River explained as he looked up to my father, he nodded and the man fell to his knees. "Don't get weak on me now pops, lets go see her." I told him and he nodded, we hurriedly made our way downstairs to the entrance of the operating room, the light above was still red when we got there but in a few moments it turned green just as Riley walked out with the containment vials, next was Jocelyn. "Give River a minute, he needs to make sure of something and she'll be all yours." She explained and after a few minutes my mate walked out.
"Follow me." He ordered shocking my father and I but we didn't argue, he led us to a private room where my mother was now tucked in a much comfortable bed and Chad was fluffing her pillows. "How did you?" I asked and he waved his hands, magic, ofcourse, everyone cleared out leaving my father and I, she groaned waking up from her coma after such a long time. Blue eyes blinked at us, as tears pooled in mine. "Hey mom." I whispered just as a weak smile came to her lips. I wanted to say something, tell her just how much we missed her as a tremor rocked the entirety of the building, they had come.

RandomRiver has always wanted love, even when he didn't expect it to hurt him, he still kept loving, hoping he'll be loved back, when finally he realizes that the man he loves wont love him back, he decides to move on, but fate wont let him because you on...