A party to plan.
"So you're not going to tell me why you aren't celebrating his birthday?" I ask alpha Khan who had come to the house to see Julian, unfortunately he was out with Riley testing out the results of their training, as they call it, it was really brawling, football and a dick measuring contest along with whatever else, because I knew it wasn't just the two of them out there, Brent, Kirk, along with a few more warriors would join them, to make it a party, men, I sighed before returning my attention on the alpha I was sipping ice tea with. "He doesn't like celebrating his birthday for his own reasons, and it's not my place to say." He argued eating more of the cookie dough. "If you keep doing that, like your son, I won't be baking anything." I told him off and he chuckled sliding away from me, just a bit.
"I'm still throwing him the party, he deserves to have his birthday party, well after you finally give him the reigns to the pack and we've seen that no one challenges him." I spoke sprinkling a little magic into my bowl. "So that's your secret." The alpha mumbled looking at the dough I had sprinkled magic over. "Do you really think I would be a famous baker if I didn't have a secret recipe, also it's Julian's birthday cake, so it has to be magical." I retorted and his eyes widened a bit. "So you're really going along with this surprise party?" He demands and I nod. "He's my mate, you can't stop me, even if it ends in disaster." I replied and his face contorted into an understanding frown. "So, what happens at this whole challenge ceremony, how many have challenged you?" I asked as I slid a plate of apple pie to him. "Fourteen so far, and I've shown mercy to two." He replied before devouring the pie, lycan appetites.
"That's gruesome." I commented and he scoffed. "No wonder Julian wont leave, he's being pampered here, I'm sure he's fat at this point." He responds as he elicits a giggle to escape my lips. "I neither accept or deny that, but he's not the only one who won't leave." I retort just as Zaya shows up in the kitchen, she had just come from training, she was freshly cleaned, doesn't acknowledge us, rather, opens the fridge, pours her juice, grabs a platter from the ones I allow to be used, no one shall touch my tupperware, ever. She plates up a large piece of shepherds pie, grabs the cookie jar and leaves it halfway full, grabs another piece of apple pie, then sets aside another large pieces of brownies, I tell you girl could eat. "Now, good afternoon uncle, hey babe." She grins happily as she digs in, I am speechless as is alpha Khan until we both burst out laughing. "Like I said." I told the man and he shook his head in amusement.
"So the challenge?" I asked again and he cleared his throat. "Julian is undeniably strong, but there will be a few knuckle heads who've grown up thinking they could challenge him and win, so expect there to be a challenge." He finally replied and my heart wasn't as settled as I thought it would be. "I know two who want to challenge him already, death wishes, that's what they have." Zaya exclaimed as she momentarily stopped eating. "What do you mean?" I demanded and the alpha sighed. "Anyone who challenges an alpha as he is about to ascend, will most likey die, its a thing, our inner lycans see it as disrespect, so they will kill the challenger, if Julian can find a way to talk to his lycan about not killing the challenger then they can live, if not, he dies." Alpha Khan replies and I sure hoped it didn't get to that, killing his own wasn't something I'd say was a good thing.
"I hope it doesn't get to that." I whisper as they look at me with a tinge of sympathy. "Come now, it will be okay, get to planning that surprise party." Alpha Khan cheered me up making me nod with a slight smile. "Thank you for the food." The alpha asserts just as Zaya chugs down her juice. "Thank you for the food River." She added and I nodded her way. "So party huh." She mutters and I narrow my eyes on her. "Not a word, you too." I order her and the alpha, they both chuckle as they get up to leave. "I'm going to get some things at home, tell Riley I will be back soon." She informs me before placing a kiss on my cheek and leaving. "Tell Julian to come see me later, his siblings are back as well, I'm sure they would love to see him." The alpha also informs me just as he leans in for a hug. "I will." I tell him as we separate, and he heads for the door.
I clear out my kitchen and place all the dirty dishes in the washer before taking out the base for Julian's cake and leaving it to cool. Making my way to my room I strip down to take a bath, the boys had been training all morning into the afternoon, I had done the same all day yesterday, I was good, plus in my condition I couldn't exactly strain my body, that was the other thing nagging me, my bump was at the point where it began showing, I didn't know if it were me or because of their father's heritage, I was sure they would make me fat but it would be worth it. As I relax in the warm, aromatherapy and bath salt infused water, I felt Julian slip into the room. "Hey baby." He whispers sitting on the edge of the bathtub. "How was training?" I ask shifting to make room for him. "Draining." He says exhaustedly and I felt sorry for him, Riley was the worst drill sergeant you could get, but our father was worse.
As he slipped into the water I used my magic to heat it up a little bit more. "That feels good." He moans and I chuckle leaning into him. "So are you ready to be alpha?" I ask and he shook his head in refusal, his emotions were a bit more clearer on the matter aswell, he thought he wasn't ready and wouldn't be ready for a long while, I wondered why. "Why would you feel you aren't ready?" I suddenly asked shocking him, I point to my mark before he questioned how I knew. "I guess it stems from three things, one I can't say right now, I'm working on that, the second is you, I know we may be making great strides in this relationship but River I know you haven't fully forgiven me for what I put you through, as a mate, I should be better, I should have been better for you and I wasn't, so how could I be alpha when I know I haven't truly done right by my mate, and please don't understand me wrong, I don't blame this situation on you, it's all me and I want to fix it before I get to be the alpha, the third reason is the pack, I want the pack to recognize me, to recognize my deeds and not my father's, I want a legacy in my name for my family." He finally explains and a lot about Julian's insecurities came to light, I truly understood him, he might be a brute alpha, who thinks less with his head but he was more in touch with his feelings, duty and family than any other alpha I knew and that, was something I commended him for.
"Listen I don't have all the answers to these puzzling reasons, but I'm glad you're working on us, working on making us work, wanting the pack to acknowledge you for you, so I'd advise that you talk to Riley about what legacy means, if it comes from me, you won't truly get it through your head, as for us, my love, what happened between us, yes, it can't be erased in the blink of an eye but you can't hold yourself back because of it, a mating, together, it means we'll keep working on it until we're old and frail, we're never gonna get it right at any point, what we will do is compromise, because that's what love is, and we'll keep working on us for as long as it takes, okay." I reassured him as I straddled him. "Okay." He replied just as my lips met his in a slow kiss. "Let me please you, alpha."

RandomRiver has always wanted love, even when he didn't expect it to hurt him, he still kept loving, hoping he'll be loved back, when finally he realizes that the man he loves wont love him back, he decides to move on, but fate wont let him because you on...