"River!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my inner lycan howled with me, the beta, my father and the pack warrior all held me down to stop me from going into the flames as they engulfed the whole building. "Julian I love you." I heard his voice whisper all around me as a white translucent shield appeared around me, it surrounded me, kept me safe from the blast, as with one last explosion it seemed silent, until it I heard it. "Hold on!" His voice, I felt it, then the explosion happened, it completely destroyed the building. "Take cover!" My father yelled as wood and stray metal shards were blown everywhere by the explosion, wolves and lycans all around us were impaled and cut by them, some of the debris hit the shield but it all bounced off.
"River." I choked out getting to my knees, white flames overtook the already burning wreckage, as a gust of cold wind mixed with crystal flakes blew all around us, above, one gigantic white crystal flake glowed with rotating symbols around it. "Wielders protection." Beta Granger mumbled as he staggered to his feet next to me. "I thought I'd never see it in this life, it's truly amazing." He asserted as I took off into the blazing white flames. "Julian, stop!" My father yelled as I took off for my mate, I wouldn't lose him to this, I couldn't and I wouldn't, I refused, I had just learned to love him, he was slowly forgiving me for putting him through hell, I just couldn't lose him, I wouldn't let fate do that to me, I jumped over concrete blocks, broken wood and shattered windows, slid under the fallen walls, as the heat was finally getting to me, but I wouldn't let it stop me.
A wall of flames erupted infront of me, I slid to a stop because I knew it would turn me to ash or crystal. "River!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Julian, we're okay!" Kirk yelled back as finally the flames vanished, River, he had turned them off, I knew that because I could always feel his magic, like it was part of me, I made my way to them flipping over rocks and burning wood, we would need a way back, but I also needed a way to him. As I got close, my heart stopped racing, he was fine, they all were. "Julian." He muttered with a smile on those perfect lips, wasting no time I raced to him and scooped him up into my arms. "You're— you're okay, babe you're okay." I choked out burying my head in his silver hair, his heart was beating ever so strongly, like always, he was safe, he was alive.
"I'm always going to be okay." He reassures me and I snicker. It was true he was capable of taking care of himself but it didn't make me worry less, only worry more because that meant trouble would always come for him and when I wasn't there, who would protect him. "Guys, sorry to break up this beautiful moment, but we have a problem." Riley asserts, River and I turn to face him, along with Kirk and his mate. "What's wrong?" My best friend asks as Chad gasps. "We need to go help." He exclaims as he takes off in the direction I came from. "A lot of people were injured badly, some could die." Riley explains as he sniffs the air. "Babe, for me to help, you might want to put me down." River shyly remarks and I could've sworn my neck was a good shade of red. "Yeah, right, help." I agreed letting him down. "See you over there." He mumbles before vanishing in a burst of white flakes.
"Did he just?" I questioned Riley who chuckled as he took off toward the gathered crowd. "Everyone to the pack infirmary!" My father announced just as Riley and I got there, my mate was no where to be found in sight but I could still feel him. "No, it will be too late." Riley challenged. "What?" The pack head warrior challenged and I knew he didn't like having Riley question any authority there. "Just hear him out." I intervened and the two backed off from each other. "If there are any witches who can heal, please come here, if there are wolves or lycans who know how to perform first aid please, come here aswell!" He called out and a small group emerged from the crowd. "Any who are critically injured I will treat you right now, find any among you who haven't made it to the infirmary, get them to me and I will heal them, witches you'll assist me, wolves and lycans for those who have non critical injuries perform any treatment you can, spread out." River took over as he snapped his fingers and a white sash appeared on my body, as well as the rest of the group who could help.
And I was amazed, their method had been more effective than my father's plan of hauling everyone to the pack infirmary, some of the people would've died indeed. "Father." I called out to him as he was helping with the medical supplies that had just arrived. "Sit father, you're injured." I told him and he waved me off. "Julian there are people with worse off injuries, I will heal." He argued but I grabbed his hand and dragged him to River. "He needs help." I told my mate who nodded, an invisible force pushed my father down to sit. "Help me put his knee back in place after I pull out the metal shards." River ordered and I didn't question, only waited as a blue light engulfed my father's leg. "You might want to bite down on a belt." River stated as I immediately pulled mine off and handed it to my father. "One." River spoke and we both waited for two or three, but he used his magic then and pulled them out, the belt had been a good idea, my father grunted out loudly as his palms changed into claws then back.
"Almost done." River asserted then pulled again, I knew it was painful because parts of his flesh were cut away with the shards. "Now Julian." My mate exclaimed and I helped him reset the leg, the moment we did, he began healing rapidly, River extended his magic to the alpha's whole body and within minutes all that was left were scars and heavy breathing. "That was intense." Beta Granger spoke as he walked toward us, his head was wrapped in a bandage, you could see how expertly it had been placed. "Okay bring her here." I heard River reply another wolf as he took off. "Your mate, is one of a kind." My father mumbled with a chuckle. "If it were anyone else they would have run for the hills by now, first the ceremony, now this, it's all too much and I don't think its coincidental anymore." My father explained and I had to agree with him, something was going on.
Someone had tried to kill him already, now they tried killing us all, once was happenstance, twice is coincidence, if there was a third which I was suspecting, then it was indeed enemy action. "Alpha you need to see this." One of the patrol guards announced the moment he got to me, I looked to my father who nodded. "Go, I will make sure they're okay." He addressed me and I nodded, taking off in the direction the guard went Kirk and Riley were right behind me. "I'm your beta, and Riley is probably the best analyst we have, I asked him to come." Kirk explained and I snickered with a nod toward Riley as we headed for the boarder. Getting there was easy because of the dense forest but the smell of rotten flesh couldn't be masked, also fresh blood.
"Goddess I feel nauseous." Kirk mumbled as he stayed back. "When did you find them?" I asked the guard. "This morning sir, the children were learning how to track with a couple of warriors and they came upon them." The lycan replied as Riley tore his shirt to make a mask and walked foward. "They have been drained of blood, this one died of strangulation, the other's neck was torn out, definitely wolf or lycan, these two died a week ago, this one is fresh, oh goddess." He analyzed before his outburst which prompted me to walk to where he was. "What is it?" I asked and he pointed to a symbol on the forehead of the recently deceased. "That's not a good sign, call for more patrol, get this body to the morgue, River might find something on it, the other two burn them here, they might be carriers." He explains and I turn to the guard and nod, he takes off in another direction.
"Something is going on Riley, and this was the third marker to what my gut is telling me." I told Riley who hummed in agreement. "I will do whatever I can to help." He offers and I couldn't be more relieved. "Thank you."

RandomRiver has always wanted love, even when he didn't expect it to hurt him, he still kept loving, hoping he'll be loved back, when finally he realizes that the man he loves wont love him back, he decides to move on, but fate wont let him because you on...