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Oh yes, I know Ango.

He betrayed me.

"Are you awake, Oda-kun?" Asked Dazai as Odasaku opened his eyes.

His vision was blurry, so he blinked several times to reset them. He looked around and found himself in a hospital room that was covered in orange sunset light. At least a dozen strings of paper cranes, each string displaying about one hundred of them, were hanging from the ceiling. How strange.

Then he saw Y/n sitting at the side of Dazai on chairs that were beside the hospital bed and saw the woman working hard at folding paper cranes, swiftly and efficiently cranking them out one by one, but was now looking at Odasaku expectantly.

He sat up slowly, and his neck was hurting again. He looked up at the hundreds of paper cranes that were hanging from the ceiling and looked at Y/n. "You didn't need to do this for me."

"I was very worried." Said she, brushing aside the origami she was doing. "I heard that making a thousand paper cranes for one who was ill would bring them good health. I was on my last hundred, but apparently that was unneeded." She smiled a relieved smile.

"So childish," Dazai waved an imprudent hand toward her. "I told her it was a waste of time. And it seems I was right about where Ango was being held captive."

The mere mention of Ango caused Dazai's and Y/n's face to darken extraordinarily as they thought of the traitor that caused Odasaku to be hospitalized. He quickly tried to lighten the mood. He sighed and said, "I feel terrible. Like I'm experiencing all the hangovers I'll have in the next fifty years all at the same time."

It didn't work.

"It seems recent events can be divided into two categories," Said Dazai. He folded his arms and crossed his legs. "We can pretty much ignore the special black ops guys Ango's working with for now. Mimic is the more pressing enemy at the moment. Akutagawa-kun and the other combat squad members are dealing with conflicts in the city, but we don't even know what the leader's gift is. We're at a disadvantage." He said. Y/n was silently listening up until now.

She said, "Akutagawa's ability has high offensive capabilities, right? I'm sure he'll persevere." Perhaps she said this thinking Dazai needed reassurement.

"He's a naked sword without a scabbard," Dazai said harshly. "He might become the strongest gifted mafia member in the near future, but right now, he needs someone to teach him how to sheathe his blade." Y/n shifted in her seat and crossed her legs. She was very clearly annoyed by Dazai's curt manner of speech toward her.

"Anyway," He turned his attention back toward Odasaku. "It's been decided. The five top executives made the decision to attack Mimic full power. Just now, my subordinates, along with Akutagawa-kun were ambushed. They're still fighting in the art museum."

Odasaku resolutely climbed out of the bed and reached for his gear.

"Wait, you're not actually going to fight, are you?" Dazai said with an uneasy laugh as if Odasaku's resolution was a joke.

"We're hitting them with everything we've got, right?"
"I didn't think you'd be serious about it since you hate killing people."

"I won't kill anyone. If you're subordinates need help, I'll help." Odasaku said and he saw Y/n's eyes sparkle. He then left the room, leaving the Dazai and Y/n there alone with the paper cranes.

Y/n's eyes traveled from the door, to Dazai, then to the floor. "Hey, Dazai-san," She said quietly, as if she spoke any louder she'd wake up a terrible beast. "If I can be honest here, I'm very worried for him."

"Who? Akutagawa-kun?" Dazai asked stupidly.

"No! Oda-san."

"Of course you would be," Dazai rolled his eyes. He stood up from his chair. "I'm leaving."

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