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Readers pronounce: She/her

Today the triplets invited me to make a YouTube video with them. I am pretty close with with them and honestly loved that they invited me. I have always been really close with them especially Matt. Matt and I has always had a thing for each other and everyone knows it. Chris told me when Matt was younger he had a huge crush on me. I honestly had a big crush on him too.

Now I don't even know what we are. We flirt sometimes but it never goes further then that. I wish it did though.

We got into the car and drove to McDonald's. We found a parking lot to film videos at. Matt and I sat in the front while Chris and nick in the back.

We turned on the camera and nick did the introduction. "Today we are playing truth or dare!" Nick added after he said the intro.

Chris was gonna go first. "Okay Chris truth or dare?" Nick said "truth!"
"Is it true you shit yourself once?" We all started laughing. "Yea it's true"

As Chris and nick were still laughing Matt feed me a fry. "Thanks" I said "no problem" he said as he wiped something off my cheek. I slightly smiled. He always does stuff like that so I didn't think anything about it.

It was nicks turn to go and Chris was asking this time. "Nick is it true you shit in our backyard?" Nick was laughing so hard he couldn't speak. He nodded in response. We all started laughing again.

Next it was Matt's turn. "Matt truth or dare?" Nick asked. "Dare" he said confidently. "I dare you too....." he thought about it for a minute. "I dare you to kiss y/n!" He said. We both looked at each other. Chris was holding back a laugh. I wasn't gonna do it but then Matt leaned over and kissed me on the lips really quick. I was really shocked. But I enjoyed it.....it was quick and over in a second but it was the best two seconds of my life.

Nick and Chris was even more surprised because they didn't think we would actually do it. They looked like they wanted to say something but they didn't know what to say. Matt giggled then went on his phone.

After a few seconds we went back to playing truth or dare like nothing happened. I acted like the kiss was nothing but that kiss was really important to me.

Matt kept his hand on my leg for the rest of the video. Chris and nick didn't notice that though.....

Hey guys! Sorry that this took so long I have been a bit busy. I am making more imagines soon! Also sorry that this is short.

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