2, They won't go away

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Listen to us.

Yeah, you idiot!

Pay attention to us.

We have to tell you something.


Kill them! Kill them all.

No... No...

"Hayley!" She jumps turning to her right where her aunt stood glaring at her.

"Can you get in the car; I need to get to the station." Nodding, she crawls into the car. Hayley peered out the window silently as the car pulled out of the manor's driveway and in the city's direction.

"I'll be working late again, get your own dinner." Hayley turned to her aunt who was staring down at her phone, with a frown. She stays silent and turns back to look out her window and catches sight of the precinct.

Shes so annoying.

And she doesn't care about you~

So why do you care about her.

She takes a breath in and watches her aunt leave the car and walk into the building, without saying goodbye.

Well, that's just rude.

"Mr. Dolan, can you please drop me off at Betty's for lunch." The man in the driver's seat makes a sound of affirmation and turns down the street that leads to Hayleys favorite cafe.

Stepping out into the bitter cold of the Gotham air she pulls her sweater closer around herself and heads into the quaint bakery.

The small jingle of the bell made the woman at the counter to look up and see Hayley as she stepped inside.

"Hayley, I wasn't sure if you were going to be showing up anytime soon!" The small pregnant woman waddled around the counter to greet the blonde.


Ooh~ Betty

She smiled and hugged the shorter woman "Hi Betty, I wanted to come earlier but it's been worse this week."

The stout woman nodded in understanding as she smiled sadly and pulled the blond over to the counter where a small head could be seen peaking over the top. "Hi April"

The little ginger quickly bounced back down. Hayley smiled to herself.
Betty asked about Hayley's morning as she waddled her way back behind the counter where her stool was. "It's been hectic this morning", The two woman chuckled together.

What would happen if we carved her face off and made her eat it?

She blinked and stumbled slightly, quickly catching herself on the corner she winced.

"Are you ok dear?" Hayley was quick to wave away her older friends concern.

Mm, I think we should leave her face alone.

The small head of ginger locks was again seen peeking over the slab of wood.

Go for the arms.

She takes a bit out of the eclair that Betty set in front of her as the small girl finally stands up fully. "Where'd you go?" Hayley raised a brow in confusion to the blunt question from April. "What do you mean?" Aprils wide brown eyes stared into Hayley's blue ones as she further explained the question.

"You didn't come here for long time." Oh.

Hayley pauses looking down at the pastry in her hold. "Some people close to me is gone, so I was saying goodbye to them, and taking care of someone they left behind."

"What happened?"

Stop asking questions you little-

"Okay! April, sweetly I think it's time we take a break from the questions for now." Hayley smiled up at Betty through her hair as she looked down.

Her eyes followed the little tUrD. She smacked her fist against the side of her head subconsciously as she stared down blankly, still eating the nearly finished chocolate covered sweet.

"Oh dear... It's getting worse, isn't it?" Her ageing face pulled into a sympathetic smile. Hayley winced, smiling back she  finishes up the eclair.

Hayley pushes up the frame of her glasses and looks up at Betty who had sat back down.

"They won't go away."

Oh, sweet heart...

We aren't going anywhere

𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 // J.VWhere stories live. Discover now