7, Barbara Kean

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Why are we locked in here again?

Because, we kicked that stupid creep.


Oh right.

She hummed to herself as she spun in a circle in her small cell. La la la la. She bounced a few times before falling to her knees gently.

She rocks back and forward looking up at the dirty ceiling. A subtle noise outside caused Hayley's head to snap to the door- staring intently.

An almost silent click comes from the door as a dark shape enters the room, only pausing briefly to look at Hayley who still sat gazing up at the door. It was Jerome.

Jerome let out a chuckle as he moved to sit on the springy bed. Almost immediately Hayley moved to lay next to him. They laid looking up at the ceiling silently.

"I got my parents killed."

Jerome turns her head to look at her with a little grin.

"Oh yeah? How's that?"

Hayley also turns to gaze at him. "We we're driving to my aunts. I needed to use the bathroom so we stopped at a rest stop." She pauses to look back up at the ceiling. "A group of men forced us out of the the car and onto our knees." She lets out a wet chuckle.

"I got them killed-"

He cuts her off with a scoff. "And I'm a fish. You didn't get them killed." Jerome sits up next to Hayley. "I got my mother killed. No one got your folks killed but themselves." She sniffled, pushing herself up as well.

"Aunt Rosa blames me, She hates me."

She shrugs.

"And I hate her."

Hayley scowls at nothing. After a split second her face breaks out into a detached grin. "Why are you here toots?" Jerome widens his eyes to look innocent. "Whatever do you mean doll?" They giggle at each others antics.

A sudden banging at the door halts their laughter. "Kane! Visitor!"

She hops off the bed and bounces over to stand in front of the door. The door opens shortly after and the familiar guard puts her in her cuffs and begins leading her down the familiar hallways, just as Hayley goes to turn into the public visiting rooms the guard begins pulling her towards the private visitor rooms.

Inside sat Jim Gordon. "Jimbo! My favourite detective!" She skips over to the metal chair across from the stiff man. Jim sat straight staring at Hayley.

"Hayley. I'm here to ask you some questions."

Harley leaned forward to look at him closer. "Ask away." She put her head in her hands, "Hayley, do you remember what your mother did for work?" Hayley's little grin immediately disappeared as she straightens up- her face becoming serious. "She didn't. She would stay at home all day."

He nodded, jotting that down in the little note book Hayley just noticed. "Did she ever have people over for dinner? Or just to chat?" Hayley's face scrunched. "No, why are you asking me this detective?" For once in some time, Hayley seemed present- like she was actually there not just pretending.

The sudden change in her mood caused Jim to shift uncomfortably. Because you aunt wanted me to ask you some questions for a case, but wouldn't tell me. 'Oh yeah, because she'll totally give you the answer to that Jim.' He shook his head. "Just want to close up some loose ends on a cold case I'm working on."

She nods. "Well, it's almost lunch time and I gotta go meet with Jerome." She stands and skips over to the metal door, banging on it to be let out. The guard on the other side opens and grabs her by her arm. The Vaud doesn't let go until they reach the cafeteria. "Thankkks toots." The guard scoffs, unlocking Hayley's cuffs and letting her into the large room. She quickly spots her ginger and bounces her way over, Humming the tune to pop goes the weasel under her breath.

Jerome turns at the sound, a smile quickly spreading across his pale face. "Hayley! Come meet this fine young doll." In front of Jerome, next to Richie sat the blonde Hayley had seen a few days ago when she was sent to the white room. A small frown marred Hayley's face as she reached her group and their table.



The two blondes sat staring at each other.

"Hayley Kane."

"Barbara Kean."

They greeted each other, both raising their hands to shake.


A new friend.

Let's hope this one doesn't run away.

𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 // J.VWhere stories live. Discover now