6, Here's to new friends

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Hayley sat leaning against her new friend- the psychotic red-head.

Jerome Valeska.

She turned to the billionaire who sat on the opposite side of the metal table. "Richie, I'm bored." The man- Richard didn't look up from his book.

"Well, Hayley. Why don't you go entertain yourself?" She huffed, pushing off Jerome and skipping over to a inmate who sat in a corner by himself.

She whistled and twirled to a song only she heard as she approached to man. "Hello~ Are you new?" A startled squeak escaped to mouth of the stranger as their large eyes looked and the demonic grin that stretched across Hayley's face.

"U-uu-h, um." The man blubbered trying to respond, Hayley rolled her eye's. Her hands quickly snapped to squeeze the sides of the inmates face. "I don't care toot's."

Her face blanked, her wide eyes close to the mans own wide green ones.



"BOO!" She yelled
She bursts into giggles startling the man. "Thank you~ bye bye now!" She spins around and dances her way back over to her trusty billionaire and beautiful boy.

Jerome's eyes followed the blonde as she made her way back, his own face stretched into a tight grin.

Her head snapped to the side, Hayley's face pulled in a grimace.

"You good, doll?" Jerome looked down at Hayley.

She grins again "Why wouldn't I?" She falls into his lap sideways, leaning backwards causing him to have to catch her around the back so she wouldn't fall. 

The pair had matching grins as they stared at each other. 



She giggled, turning to look across the table at her billionaire Richard Sionis. The man was staring at the pair unimpressed. He shook his head silently turning his attention back to his newspaper in his hands. 

Two pairs of blank eyes turned to look at the older male as he read his paper. Without looking up he asked if her could help the pair. 

"Richie~" Hayley's singsong tune caused Richard to groan and look up. "We want some chocolate." He sighed to himself for what felt like the hundredth time. He pinched the bridge of his nose. 

"I'll see what I can do."

His voice was tired, but Hayley either ignored it or completely missed it. She squealed, bouncing over the metal table and wrap her arms around his neck in a tight hug. "Thank youuu!" Her high pitched voice was directly in Richards ear, causing him to groan in discomfort.


Two large guards rushed over, harshly pulling the blonde off of the billionaire. "Owww." She whined as the roughly begin pulling her out of the rec room. 

"No attacking the other inmates, you should know that by now Kane." The taller of the two guard's snarked as the pulled her by her upper arm toward's her cell block.

"I wasn't attacking him! I was giving him a hug." She grins, willingly being drags by her arm. The guards drag her past an older blonde woman in a white dress. Hayley glanced at the woman as they crossed paths. 

The woman met Hayley's eyes as she was escorted away down the hall.

Thank you for reading!


𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 // J.VWhere stories live. Discover now