5, Jerome

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4 days tuck in isolation does wonders to your mental psych. Hayley would know, she's been in isolation many times sense she was first sent to Arkham some months ago.

Of course she likes to think of it as a reward, its the only time she truly gets any privacy here. And Hayley has always been a private creature.

"Kane! Visitor!"

The scatter-brained blonde snapped to her feet as the lock on her cage clicked. On the other side of the door stood three armed guards. 

"Hiya boys~" She giggled as the large men wrestled to put her in the cuffs and drag her towards the visitor room. 



Sitting at the table was a familiar small woman, who sat nervously with a baby on her hip and a small girl at her side. 


The crazed grin grew on the blondes face at the appearance of her friend. 
"Betty-boop! I missed ya!" A high-pitched giggle left her lips as she sat down in front of the frazzled woman. 

"Hayley... how are you sweetheart?"  Hayley giggled again, her eyes wide- staring into nothing. The little redhead to Betty's right looked up at the blonde sadly. 

"I'm gggg-reat! How bout you toots?" She was looking down at the newborn babe. "Awe! What's the cuties name! I cant bu-leave I missed the birth!"

Betty chuckled nervously, shifting the sleeping boy in her arms. "This is Tom." She gestures to the baby, rubbing the back of her neck.

"Hi Tommy~" She whispered hysterically before another giggle past her lips. A sudden look of clarity shown in Hayley's eyes appeared as the girl stiffened up.

She looked straight at Betty, as if only just noticing she was there. "Betty, Hi. How are you?" Betty sighed in despair. 

"I'm good sweetheart, how are you?" The blonde smiled serenely. "I'm as good as I can be in here." She gestured to the dank room they sat in. 

With a sudden look of seriousness, Hayley grabbed Bettys hand. "Please Betty, don't come here, stop bringing your kids here." She glances down at April who looked up at her with wide eyes. 

"Don't let this place ruin them."

Just as the words escaped her lips, a blank look glazed over her eyes. A laugh bordering on hysterical past her teeth.

"I'm serious toots, get the little shit outta here!" Hayley glanced  behind at the guards that were approaching.

"Times up Kane."

Hayley was forced up to her feet as the guards chained her wrist together with the cuffs. "BYE BYE TOOTS!" She screeched behind her to where the small woman was standing with the small girl and baby. 

The two guards followed closely behind the deranged blonde as she skipped down the hallways towards the recreation room. 

Stopping in front of the locked bars she waits for the smaller one of the two guards to unlock her cuffed wrists.

Bouncing into the large room, she ignores most of the patients and skips her way over to a familiar face.


The mentioned man sighs in annoyance, changing the page in his newspaper. "I thought I told you not to call me that." Hayley cackles in response and jumps into the empty chair across from the older male. 

A masculine laugh was heard from her right, causing Hayley to turn and see a redheaded boy around her age sit in the seat next to her.

"Well hiya gorgeous, I'm Jerome."

She laughed leaning toward him. 

"Hiya toots, I'm Hayley."

𝖄𝖔𝖚𝖗 𝕷𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝕷𝖆𝖚𝖌𝖍 // J.VWhere stories live. Discover now