Cross Your Heart (Chapter Sixteen)

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After what had happened with Renee, Jake and I went back in and decided to make the most of the rest of the night. Jake clearly wanted to make the most of the night because he never sat down. He danced to Gangnam Style, Cupid Shuffle, and even Hoedown Throwdown by Hannah Montana. I ended up laughing so hard my stomach began to ache.

Currently I was sitting in my room on my laptop browsing the Internet looking for something interesting to do. Then Ed Sheeran "The A Team" began to play. I reached for my phone and the caller id told me that it was Mae calling.


"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Mae screamed through the phone. I quickly pulled the phone away from my ear until she was done. Gasping for air she said "Girl you have to go to youtube and type in Quarterback gets down!"

" Why?" I asked her going to the URL and typing in the address.

" Just go watch it and you'll understand why." I clicked on the first result and it showed Jake in the middle of the dance floor dancing to the Hannah Montana song. Everyone around him had their phones out aimed at him. No doubt they were recording the schools most popular boy dancing to a pre-teen song.

" OMG! Mae who did that? Jake is going to be so mad!" I looked down at the subscribers name and it said Austin2. Oh Lord Austin had posted the video of Jake dancing, and it was already up to 100,000 views. Jake was going to be so mad!

" Austin did it just for a laugh, but I don't think Jake knows about it yet."

" Well I think I should tell him."

" WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?" I heard someone yelling from downstairs.

" Nevermind I think he just found it. I'm going to go hide now. I'll call you if I'm still alive. Love ya. Bye." I hung up with Mae and continued watching the video until my door swung open. I quickly leaned the screen down and paused the video before he could see.

" Did you know about this?" Jake asked me. Clearly he was mad because his face was completely red.

"I had nothing to do with this. I promise. I just found out about it from Mae."

" Who would do this??" He said scrolling down the page. Once he noticed the username he began angrily typing on his phone." He's gonna get it!"

" For what it's worth. Nice moves." I said giggling a bit.

" What? You saw it too?" He said walking over to my bed and putting his hands behind he head looking up at the ceiling.

" Who hasn't? The video is up to 100,000 views." I raised the screen and began playing the video again. I couldn't help but laugh. I looked up at Jake and saw him also watching the video laughing.

" I can't believe I did that!" He said laughing and clutching his stomach.

" Me either, but I'm glad you did. It made my night so much better. I think I may have even got abs from laughing so hard." I said giving him a wink.

" Well lets see about that." He said grabbing for the hem of my shirt. I squealed and jumped out of my bed trying to get away from him, but he had a good grip on my shirt and pulled me back down into his chest.

" Ow!" I yelped as a ran right into his rock hard abs.

" I'm sorry. Are you ok?"

" Yeah I'm fine, but your stomachs hard." I said poking his abs.

" Well you can touch all you want." He said giving me a sexy wink. I just rolled my eyes and moved farther away from him. He retaliated by tsking and grabbing my stomach and pulling me closer to him. I turned my attention back to my computer screen, but I face was pulled from the screen and was guided to look at Jake who placed his lips onto mine.

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