Cross Your Heart (Chapter Five)

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This chapter will start off in Jake's point of view and end in Elizabeths!




Jake's POV

I looked down at Li laying on my chest and smiled. She's my best friend. I can't believe our friendship started over a stupid dare.

Five years ago, when I first moved here, I was admitted into the "popular" group, but as initiation I had to befriend the loneliest person in my grade. One of the populars, Renee, had to pick the person. I've never been one to turn down a dare, so of course I accepted. She looked around the cafeteria and immediatly zoned in on a girl with very curly brown hair and had on thick framed glasses. She wasn't ugly, but she wasn't drop dead gorgeous.

Soon Elizabeth, the victim, grew on me and here I am today. She's my best friend and I'm sure if she were to figure out how we became friends I would lose her forever.

Li began to stir in my arms, so I started to rub her back to calm her down. Then she muttered something in her sleep. I wasn't sure if I heard it right but it sounded like "I'm in love with Jake." That can't be right. How can she love me? We're best friends, and after the dare I'm not sure I could risk getting any closer to her just in case Renee wanted to share my darkest secret to Li.

I looked over at her alarm clock and it said 5:32p.m. I gently shook Li awake because it was time to eat and for her pep talk. She streched and wrapped around me tighter. Ugh. Having her this close was not good. Sure we were friends, but lately she has been driving me crazy. Everything she did made my heart race and my breath catch. What is she doing to me?


Elizabeth's POV

I was shaken awake by Jake, but I didn't want to wake up so I tightened my hold on him. His heart beat quickened. That's weird. He started shaking me again.

"OK! I'm up" I groaned. I sat up and turned to look at my clock,5:36. I ran a hand through my hair and looked at Jake. His eyes roamed over my body and up to my face. When he reached my face he blushed. What was that? He has been acting really weird lately. First, he tried to apologize for Renee kissing him. Second, He turned down a date with her. Third, his heartbeat quickened when I held him tighter. Then there was the fact that he just blatenly checked me out and when he got caught he blushed.

"What?" I asked him. He quickly looked away.

"Nothing your hair is just messed up." My hand went up to my hair and attempted to smooth it down. Soon I gave up and looked into my lap. I pushed my hair infront of my face so he couldn't see how embarrassed I was. Suddenly I felt a hand push my hair back behind my ear and rest on my cheek. I looked up and saw two piercing blue eyes staring straight back into my hazel ones, and he began moving closer. What is he doing? I felt mezmorized by his eyes and I felt myself start to move closer.

' This is your best friend Elizabeth!' I yelled to myself. I stopped. Jake saw my reaction and snapped out of whatever trance he was in and looked away. He immediatly shot out of the bed and walked out of my room leaving me confused.


Jake's POV

What's happening? I don't know what got into me back there! I almost kissed my best friend. I almost kissed Li! Sure I knew I had feelings for her, but I never felt that compelled to try to kiss her.

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