Cross Your Heart (Chapter Two)

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Jake was completely passed out on the wall outside of my bedroom. I decided to put my plan into motion. I began walking towards him, and I lifted my foot off of the ground and rested it on his shin. I made sure I didn't press too hard, but just hard enough that he would know my foot was there. When I first touched him I knew he wouldn't wake up, but when I started to move my foot up his very muscular leg I at least thought he would jump or even wake up. He didn't even budge. I started at his shin and slowly rubbed my foot up closer and closer to his "area". I started to get a little to close for comfort. My cheeks started to get hot as I got closer. Suddenly, Jake began to smile and his dimples decided to make an apperence as well.

" Move any closer and you'll look like a tomato, Li" he said finally opening his eyes. I stared at him not being able to find my words. " What's wrong Li? You were the one who decided to do it. What were you expecting?" He smirked and pushed himself off of the ground.

" Y..YY..You were awa...awake?" I said stuttering, but finally getting the words out of my mouth.

" Yep" He said popping the "p". Then he took a big step to where he was standing only inches from each others face. He started to lean in and my breath caught.

' What is he DOING?!?!?' My inner voice yelled. I was so stunned I couldn't move. I heard him chuckle and I looked at him in the eyes. He was closing the distance between us slowly.

When he got nearly millimeteres away from our lips meeting he turned his head and whispered in my ear " See it's not nice to tease someone. Expecially if you wouldn't follow through with the plan." He stepped back and then finally I sucked in a breath.

How could I have let him get that kind of reaction out of me? What if he suspected something? DId he know? Oh my gosh if he knew I would be so embarrassed! You see I'm kind of in love with Jake. Have been ever since we met.



I set my things down at my usual spot at lunch over by the trash cans. Yeah I know! What am I doing over by the trash cans? Well everyone at school calls me a Nerd so no one really talks to me anymore.

I was lost in deep thought about my next class. Word had gone around that we had a pop quiz in History, and i was going over all of the material in my head. I have a Photographic memory, so basically anything I hear or read I will always remember. I was looking off into thin air when a shadow passed over me and a figure came into my periphreal vision.

"Hi. I'm Jacob, but people just call me Jake. Is this seat taken?" I looked up to see the most gorgeous guy in the world! He was tall, 5'11''. He was awfully tall to be in the seventh grade.

" No. You can sit here if you like, but you might get made fun of if you do." I said shyly.

" Why would i get made fun of if I sit with you? There isn't anything wrong with you is there? Your not some crazy stalker person are you??"

" NO! It's just that everyone calls me the school Nerd" I said giggling a little. After that we were inseperable.

" That's not too bad. I think I'll take my chances." He said.

" Oh by the way my name is Elizabeth." I said introducing myself.

" That's a pretty name, but it's too long. I think I'll just call you Li. Is that all right?"

" Sure."I said back. Stunned at how friendly he was.He smiled and he had pearly white teeth and DIMPLES in his cheeks and that my friends is the moment I Elizabeth Renee Smith fell in love with the Jacob Micheals.

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