Cross Your Heart (Chapter Nineteen)

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" Y'all what?!?" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I couldn't believe what  I was hearing.

" We rented out the whole amusement park for today because we know how impatient you two are." Austin explained again.

" I can't believe tou two! Why would y'all spend so much money?" Mae asked, her question pointed at Austin. She had explained to me what happened last night while we were getting ready this morning. Of course I was excited for her and I know Austin will treat her right, but I still have to have my " You hurt her and I will injure your manhood" talk with him. I felt a jab at my side and looked up to see Mae giving me a worried look.

" What?" I replied to her stare.

" You were practically boreing holes into Austin. What's up?" I doubled over in laughter. I had not realized I was staring so intently at him. Once I caught my breath I began to tell her that I planned to give him my version of "The Talk".

" Just reminding myself that I need to have a talk with Austin when we get back to the hotel." I glanced passed Mae where Jake and Austin were standing in front of a ride. I smiled at Mae and began to wak passed her to the boys.

"What about?" She whispered into my ear as we neared the guys. I just shrugged my shoulders and gave her a sly smile which earned me a slap on the arm.

" Be nice

" She said finally understanding what I ment. This wouldn't be the first time I gave one of Mae's boyfriends my talk, and I wasn't just going to excuse Austin because he was my friend. I remember when Mae first came to school, within the first week she had already been asked on a date. I mean the girl is gorgeous. I gave the guy a talk while Mae was upstairs getting ready for the date, and I may have been a little mean because he got up and ran out of the house crying. Mae was mad for a couple minutes until I convinced her that she didn't need a wuss like him. I mean I made him cry. Really? What a baby. I was ripped out of my flashback when a hand grabbed mine.

" Come on Li! I wanna go on this ride first." Jake said pulling me towards what looked like a very loopy ride. I rolled my eyes at his cildish actions, and began to run to the ride also.


I walked off the ride with my hands held out straight beside me, no doubt looking like a tight rope walker or a drunken teen. I didn't feel sick just a little dizzy, but from the look on Mae's face I could tell she was going t hurl any second. I looked at the boys and Jake seemed to be perfectly fine while Austin was mirroring my actions. Before we could walk to another ride Mae began to run to the neasrest trash can and empty the contents of her stomach into it.

Mae looked up at us and muttered " Never again", and stalked off to the picnic area to lay down. Ausin let out a chuckle and began to follow Mae like a cute puppy dog.

" So what's next?" Jake asked while interlocking our hands and swinging them back and forth.

"I don't care, but nothing that spins." I replied. Jake then began to pull me towards a kiddie ride. As we walked up to the gate I saw that it was the Flying Elephants. I bent over clutching my stomach in laughter as I remember a picture my mom showed me a while back. It showed me turned around staring into the camera with tears streaming down my face. I definetly didn't want to be on that ride. I glanced up at Jake and saw that he too was laughing because of course my mother had shown him the picture countless times.

" You remember?" I asked him in between giggles.

" How could I not! Your mom practically shows me everytime I'm at your house."f course he was over reacting but he has seen the photo many times.

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