Cross Your Heart (Chapter Twelve)

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Elizabeth's POV

Two weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up very excited because today Jake would be released from the hospital and he would be staying with my family until he made a full recovery.

Jake was still worried about my mother knowing of our relationship, but like I had told him my mother didn't really care that we stayed together. All I had to assure her that nothing was going on, which I don't know if she believed me or not. Plus, I wouldn't do anything like that this early in our realtionship.

Also, since today was Sunday Jake and I would be attending school for the first time as a couple. Yes, word had gotten around that we were dating and no one believed that a nerd like me could be going out with the popular, good looking quarterback Jake Micheals. One person in particular was a part of this charade. Renee. Her and her group of friends had been letting me know nonstop that Jake could "never like a girl like me," or that he was "just dating me to get her jealous." I didn't know how to react so I never told her anything. I never really doubted Jake's feeling because it seemed so genuine.

Jake grabbed my hand and gave me a concerned look. I never told him what Renee and her friends, Noelle and Rae, always said to me when he wasn't there. I knew he would be mad if he ever found out, but I was determined to not let that happen. I wanted to handle Renee and her friends on my own. Just then the door opened and Jake's doctor walked in.

" Well Jake its been good knowing you, but now I'm glad to see you leave. I'm glad you've made an almost full recovery. You will need to rest for the next couple of days. You may go to school, but absolutely NO football. You need to make a full recovery before we can determine if you will ever be able to play football again." The doctor informed Jake of other things but I wasn't sure he was listening. After the doctor had told him he may never play again he shut down. I watched him as he just stared at his hands.

The doctor finally noticed Jakes attitude and excused himself from the room. I placed my hand on Jake's back and started making small circles on his back. He looked up at me and then laid his head down into my lap and just broke down. I faught against tears myself. Seeing him so hurt just made me feel guitly. I just held him while he cried. I knew football ment everything to him and if he wasn't able to play it would kill him.

Soon he calmed down and sat back up. He gave me a small smile which I returned. I leaned close to him placing a kiss on his lips which he deepened. It was the most passionate, deep, and longing kiss, filled with love, desperation, and saddness. He placed his hands in my hair and pulled my face closer to his. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance which I immediatly allowed. Soon he had picked me up and laid me down on his bed. Leaning on his elbows he pulled away, looked at me, and whispered " Don't ever leave me. Your the only thing I can count on."

"Never." I said back and pulled his face back to mine. Suddenly the door swung open causing us to pull apart. We both shot glares to the intruder which happened a very shocked nurse. Her cheeks began to blush.

" Now Mr. Micheals I was sent in here to get you into this wheelchair and bring you to your car. I don't think that if I told your doctor of the activities you were just participating in that he would be very happy. Would he?"

" No Ma'am, but lets keep it our little secret." He did this weird handshake with her and I just giggled."Man, I've been in here too long." The nurse just nodded and wheeled Jake out to my car in the front parking lot. He turned to the nurse and gave her a hug and said bye. We got in the car to drive the short distance to my house. The car ride was silent, Jake just stared out of the window not trying to engage in any conversations.

Once we made it to my house we walked up to my room and laid down on the bed. I laid down on my bed and Jake soon slid in stripping off his white t-shirt. My head rested on Jakes bare chest counting his heart beats thankful he was still alive. Soon I heard a light snore come from Jake and I laughed. I glanced up at his angelic face and touched his cheek. I whispered into his ear " I love you" as I felt myself fall into a sweet and much needed slumber.

The next morning I woke up to the feel of someone staring at me. I looked up to see Jake leaning up against my headboard looking down at me smiling.

" What?" I asked. Why would he be watching me while I sleep. " OMG you are a PERV!!"

" Wait what?" Jake asked really confused.

" Watching people while they sleep. That's kind of creepy. PERV!" Jake just looked at me and began to laugh uncontrollably. I gave him a dark glare that cut off his laughing.

" I am not a PERV! i was just watching my very beautiful GIRLFRIEND sleep!" I laughed at him and reached up to kiss his cheek, but he turned his head and our lips met. The kiss began t deepen when there was a knock at my door. I huffed and got up to go answer it. I pulled the door open and squealed. My brother Harry stood there smiling at me. I haven't seen Harry in six months because he has been away at college. I jumped up and wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

" HARRRRRYYYYY!!!!!! I MISSED YOU!!" I screamed into his ear. I jumped down off of Harry and saw Jake come from out of my room.

" Hey Jake. How have you been." That's why he was here. To see Jake. Well thanks!

" Hello! Your sister is right here! Don't I get some kind of hello?" I swear if I wasn't here these two would so turn gay for each other.

" Hey LIZZIE. Anyway so what's new Jake?" Jake gave me a smile and Harry's eyes went wide.

" You two? You and Lizzie? You and my sister?"

"Yes Harry! Jake and I! Is it that hard to believe?" I asked.

" No. Oh my gosh does mom know? She's gonna be so excited! She's been planning this for years!!"

"Am I the only on that didn't know about this?" Jake asked.

" YES!" Harry and I said at the same time.

After our little reunion Jake left me to go hang out with my brother and I stayed in my bed watching tv. Soon it became dark outside and I fell asleep thinking about school tomorrow and about how I would put up with Renee and her minions.


Very short upload but I was being forced! SO this is what you get for now!!!

I probably wont be able to upload again until Saturday!! Sorry!!


Picture off to the side is of Harry Li's brother.


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