Chapter 15

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Hazel sat at the piano but didn't play. She just sat and stared. Dad, what is going to happen to me? What's my future like? These men are putting so much on the line to protect me, it hurts. A thought struck her and she was paralyzed with fear. Cole. Dad, if I continue living like this, am I going to put his life in danger? Is it better if I just go? I don't want him to die protecting me. As heartbreaking as it is, Dad, I think I need to let him go. And leave. I've been left before. Maybe it's time I do the leaving.

Hazel went through the rest of the day like a zombie. Her heart was demolished knowing what she had to do. She ignored Cole the entire day and didn't talk at all. Best to start keeping distance now before she got too emotionally attached. Too late, she was attached. She just was going to have to break her heart.

Night fell and she closed herself in her bedroom. She silently packed a suitcase with all her things. Writing a note to Cole, she set it on her pillow and cried a few silent tears for the both of them. Then, she slipped out of the house unnoticed by security and made it to the barn where Kaden had hidden the car.

Silently starting the engine and turning off the lights, Hazel backed out of the drive and left the farm.

For good.


Cole was having a terrible night of sleep. Hazel hadn't talked to him all day and it seemed like she had even ignored him. God, somethings nagging at me. I can feel it. Something is not right.

He finally fell into some sort of sleep, even if it was a light sleep. When he woke up, he still had that same sense of nag. He went out of his way to find Hazel yesterday and see if she was alright. He was nervous about her anxiety and wanted to know what was making the wheels in her brain spin. Eventually, he gave up trying to find her and decided to give her some space. Today, he was determined to figure out what was wrong.

He was up before everyone and did some of his own devotions before Hazel joined him. After his devotions, he talked with Kaden and Reed about moving to a new place soon. At 10:30, Hazel still hadn't shown up.

"Relax Cole, she's probably still asleep. She had a long day yesterday." Kaden told him.

"She just rode the horses silently, making no conversation. I'm sure she's just having an off day and decided to spend time with her Father." Reed added.

Cole rubbed his forehead, "Something's not right though."

Kaden shrugged it off and went outside for patrols. Reed continued to talk with Cole about different possibilities why she might be ignoring him. At noon, Hazel still hadn't shown up. Cole peeked his head in her room and noticed how neat it was. There was a small envelope on the pillow. He picked it up, but before opening it he realized her belongings and small suitcase were nowhere to be seen. Dread set nice and heavy in his gut.


                                    I'm sorry. I really am. You don't deserve to risk your one and precious life for me. It's not fair. You have a loving family. A niece and a nephew. Siblings. Parents. People who love you more than anything. I can't be the person who takes you from them. You matter more than anything to me. I want you to have the life you deserve. All I ask is that you don't forget the times we spent together. You and Kaden and Reed can go and continue your jobs at a safer pace. I'll be okay. Go live your life, find a bride and get married. You deserve it. Thank you for bringing me so much happiness. Please, don't come find me. I don't want anyone getting hurt. I'm sorry. I miss you already.

                                                                                             Love, Hazel. ♡

Cole's heart shattered. She left. And didn't even give a proper goodbye. The overwhelming hole of sadness he felt was nearly unbearable. He traced the heart she drew with his finger. What came upon her to think he would read this and not search high and low to find her again? It made sense why she was so distant yesterday. She was detaching herself from them so the sudden departure would not be as bad. She was planning her escape. She was feeling guilty for Cole doing his job. She was filled with anxiety. She was putting herself in the hands of danger. She was crazy.

And Cole loved her.

"Kade! Reed!" Cole shouted. "Get over here right now!"


Hazel parked the car near the edge of the woods. She did not know that North Dakota had forests. She took out her suitcase and backpack and set them against a tree. Taking old branches, she covered the car and hid it as best she could. Then, she grabbed her things and traipsed through the forest. Thank goodness she had gone on lots of hikes with Cole. This hiking thing was way less harder than it would have been had she not.

There had to be a hunting lodge around. There had to. She was in desperate need of some shelter. She had been walking all day without food or water. And her feet were complaining. They had been for hours.

She missed Cole too. Her heart still hurt from the decision. It wasn't her first choice, but bringing him along with her defeated the whole purpose of her leaving. "Dad? I'm scared. I miss Cole. I know this was for the best, but I don't want to die. Maybe me dying is better than Cole dying and me staying alive to feel guilty about it. Hopefully this ends soon, Dad."

"Hello? Who's there?" A voice asked sharply. It was gruff, and scratchy. A male.

Hazel jumped behind the nearest tree, her heart pounding.

"I said hello! Come on out, I know you're here." Footsteps broke twigs and crunched leaves. He obviously wasn't worried about being sneaky.

Hazel didn't peer around the side of the tree. But she took her chances. "Hello?"

The crunching stopped. "Where are you?"

"Hiding." She was proud at how she managed to stop the shake in her voice.

"You sound young. Come on out, I won't hurt you I promise. I don't have a gun either."

She poked her head out and noticed the old man looked harmless. He had no means of self defense either. Stepping out from behind the tree, she held onto her suitcase tight, in case he did pose as a threat. A suitcase could knock someone out, right?

The man noticed her and smiled a crinkly old smile. "A young one. Runaway?"

"You could say that."

The man smiled. "The name's Barry. Pleasure to meet you m'dear."

Hazel smiled. "I'm Hazel. The pleasure is all mine."

"You look thirsty. And hungry. Also tired. I have a place you can stay. Follow me." Barry motioned for her to follow him.

She hesitated. "Um..."

Barry smiled. "I had a daughter like you. Trust me. Everything will be fine. The Man upstairs knows what he's doing."

"Okay." She followed Barry down a well-worn path. This was better than Whatcom chasing after her. An old, most likely forgetful man living in the woods with a cabin. She might even get some relaxation in.

A small cabin loomed into view and Barry limped towards the door. "Here is my home. I have a couch you can sleep on since there is only one bedroom. The kitchen is fully stocked, help yourself. I'll get you a towel and some soap for a shower." Barry held the door open for her and Hazel stepped inside.

It was a three room cabin, with a main living and kitchen area, bedroom, and bathroom. It was quaint, with rustic features. It had all the means of a hunters cabin with pictures of Barry holding up some game, and the occasional antlers hanging on the wall. 

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