Chapter 17

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Cole gave his brother a short hug when he met him at the airport. Jack then descended the escalator hand in hand with Olivia. "Liv?"

She smiled and dropped Jack's hand to give him a hug. When they parted she was back at Jack's side within the second.

Cole then spotted Hunter and Grace. "Grace?"

She smiled and gave him a hug, "Hi. Don't worry Chloe has Aeden. I wouldn't bring him all this way."

Dominic smiled at the mention of Chloe's name. "Too bad you came and not her, Grace."

Grace stuck her tongue out at him. "Whatever."

Cole cleared his throat and they all turned to him. "Let's get in the car. We were told to look at forest number two. Let's get a move on."

Olivia nodded. "Right."

Everyone collected their bags, then they were on the road.


Barry had scheduled a flight for Hazel the next day, so Hazel spent the waiting time learning all the tricks in chess.

"I have not played chess with someone in a long time. Hazel, you are a good opponent."

"Thank you."

"Would you like some lemonade?"

"Of course. Thank you."


"Hazel!" Cole called into the woods. "Hazel!" He stopped and took the water Hunter offered him. His throat hurt. So did his heart.

"This is a big forest. She might be on the other side." Hunter assured.

"Right, yeah."

"Hunter, your hands look heavy, can I hold them for you?"

Hunter turned at his wife's voice. He grinned, "I can do better." He leaned down and kissed her.

Olivia, standing a few feet away, laughed. "Gross."

Jack grinned, "That's not romance."

Dominic walked up, "Oh and you know romance?"

Olivia beamed, "Yes, he does."

Cole watched the group quietly, then he continued to walk. They kept on chattering. He walked until their voices could not be heard.

The plastic water bottle crinkled as he crushed it. It wasn't fair, his siblings had love, and here he was trying to see if his love was still alive.

He would not cry. He would not show emotion. He was going to find Hazel and find her alive. He had to.

When the faint sound of laughter reached his ears, he sighed. "Looks like I'll be searching this forest on my own, God."

He walked on his own for a bit, when panting could be heard behind him. "Cole!"



Grace. "Grace?"

Grace jogged up to him, "You sure have been cruising. You walk so fast."

"I have a lot on my mind."

Grace's smile disappeared, "You're distant. And off. And not your usual self. Are you okay?"

"I miss her." The hole in his heart left by her was too big to fill. God, why?

"I know. I'm sorry. We'll be more helpful. Olivia and I thought if we lightened the mood, you'd feel better. I guess we just made you hurt more. I'm sorry. Everyone is out looking now. Dom hit the edge of the east side. Didn't see her though. I'm sorry."

Cole hugged his sister, "I forgive you. And I'm sorry for acting differently."

"It's okay. You have every right to."


Hazel fell asleep much faster the second night, as Barry had raised her spirits. And, the comfort of knowing she would be home the next day. The heartache from Cole was still alive and as painful as ever, but she would get through it.

Barry woke her up the next morning at around nine. "Rise and shine. You have a flight to catch."

Hazel got up, packed her things, and ate the toast Barry made for her. "How will we get there?"

"I have a pickup near the edge of the forest I use on my runs to town. It's a hunk of junk but it will still work."

"Okay. Thanks, again."

"Of course m'dear."

A long hike later, Hazel found herself sitting in the passenger side of Barry's beat up red Ford. She clutched her bags tight and continuously prayed for her safety. It hurt to think she was leaving Cole for good.

Just under an hour later, Barry pulled into the airport parking lot. "I have a gate pass to take you to your plane since it is a private one. I assumed you didn't want no media."

A private plane? How lucky could she get? "Thanks Barry. You don't know how much this means to me."

Barry gave her a hug when they stepped out of the truck. "Anytime."

Hazel and Barry weaved their way through the airport. Security was pretty speedy, so they had plenty of time to wander through shops. Hazel bought Barry a couple of gifts and had to push a little to get him to take them.

When they reached the private concourse, Barry asked to sit and rest for a little while.

"Of course." Hazel looked at him with a confused look, "You seem stressed. Is everything alright?"

Barry looked up and gave her a weak smile, "Just tired."

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