Loverman (James Hetfield 2023) *SMUT*

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Your dreams were coming true. You had been touring with one of the most well-known bands in the world for the last three months. You weren't exactly sure how you had become a roadie for Metallica. Maybe it was from the many years you'd spent climbing the ladder of bands until you found your way to the top, but it still felt unreal nonetheless. The pay was great, you were able to hear good music every night on tour. It was your dream job.

You'd gotten to know each of the band members fairly well over a few months. They were all incredibly down to earth and passionate about the music they created. They had been touring for over forty years at this point, and it showed in the way they operated with the entire crew. They were all very respectful and mature towards you while you did your job, which was something that was hard to come by in the industry. You wholeheartedly appreciated each of the four of them.

Lars had formed a playful dynamic with you, always teasing around and messing with you while you were backstage together. Rob was incredibly helpful and always wanted to make your job easier for you. Kirk was a complete sweetheart, always smiling and making cheesy jokes that no one else would laugh at, so you always made sure to laugh extra loud for him.

And then there was James.

James was calm, cool and collected almost always. His tall stature made him a bit intimidating at times, but any time he opened his mouth you were reminded of how light-hearted he really was. He wasn't afraid to be serious and talk about emotions and life experiences and at other times he made some painfully terrible dad jokes. He was an interesting person to get to know. Many late nights were spent on the tour bus getting into deep conversations with James. He always had so many stories to tell about his life experiences and the lessons he'd learned along the way. You had only known him for a short amount of time, but he was always open with you and you were with him. You connected the most with him out of the entire band.

On the last show of Metallica's 40 year anniversary tour, there was a lot of work to be done at the venue. Your job on this night was to set up James' amplifiers. You were scurrying around trying to finish up before the show which started in one hour. As you were on stage connecting cables, you heard James shouting from backstage.

"Make me sound good, will ya?", he chuckled. You turned to see him across the stage, grinning ear-to-ear and holding a drink. His smile was something else. He had the type of smile that could light up a room.

You rolled your eyes and yelled, "I don't think this thing has THAT kind of magic. You're on your own!"

His head fell back and he belly laughed and then disappeared behind the stage. He was adorable when he laughed. The two of you laughed together a lot, you'd noticed.

Soon enough the show began and you had the pleasure once again to hear the guys do what they do best. Your job throughout the show was to help James switch out guitars. You noticed that same vibrant smile all throughout the night anytime he made eye contact with you. Your heart fluttered each and every time without fail.

When the show came to an end, you helped the crew pack up and then it was time to call it a night. This was the end of this tour, and it was starting to hit you. You were going back on tour in just a few months, but you'd miss the crew and the band in your time away. Your stomach dropped at the thought of not seeing James almost every night like usual.

Lars called everyone backstage together for a toast. "Thank you to everyone who made this tour one I will never forget." He raised his solo cup, "Cheers." Everyone hugged and chatted about how much they were gonna miss each other. You had all become like family. Kirk and Rob both thanked you directly, which you really appreciated. James' eyes were glossy like he was holding back tears. Once everyone had scattered and got back to cleaning up, you walked over to James and pulled him aside.

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