Chapter 21

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The nurses were all talking non-stop, but their voices were so low that Su Wu couldn't hear them clearly.

On the other hand, the voice of the person on the other side was loud even their cries were so loud, "Oh, the hospital that killed thousands of lives! I knew you were bullying your patients. My son is obviously fine! Why does he need an amputation? Isn't this intentionally to making him crippled?"

Hearing this voice, Su Wu groaned in her heart and sighed. It was a coincidence that this woman was taken away by the police in the downstairs of her company not long ago, but she came out so quickly.

However, Su Wu is more concerned about the word amputation in her mouth, "Little San'er, what's going on in Chutian?"

System 033: "Back to the host, I can't verify the specific situation for the time being, but the doctor diagnosed that Chutian's left index finger muscle is completely necrotic and needs to be Amputation."

"Oh." Wen Yan Su Wu couldn't help but feel disappointed, but a finger, why not an arm or a leg, and after watching the commotion in the corridor for a while, she lost interest and sat back on the chair to accompany Ke seriously grandmother.

After about seven to eight minutes, Chu Tian's family seemed to accept the reality, and the noise gradually subsided.

Su Wu took out a magazine and turned a few pages. At this time, Lu Yan opened the door and walked in. She subconsciously glanced at the clock on the wall, it was exactly half an hour before he left.

Lu Yan took out the bowls and plates in the lunch box and put them on the coffee table, and said, "It's getting late, so I'll fry some rice and a little side dish, eat it first, and I'll make something delicious for you tomorrow. After you finish eating, rest on the sofa for a while, I'll accompany grandma, and I'll call you later."


At seven o'clock the next morning, Su Wu naturally woke up, looked at the suit she was covering, and then looked at the robot-like Lu Yan, who was working in front, had already changed the drip on Grandma Ke's hand, Su Wu rubbed her eyes, "Why didn't you call me?"

Lu Yan smiled at her, "It's still early, why don't you sleep more? ?"

Su Wu sat up from the sofa and returned the crumpled suit to Lu Yan, "I'm now awake, since you stayed awake overnight, you should rest for a while."

"Okay." Lu Yan pointed to the two insulated lunch boxes on the side of the coffee table, "I've already eaten the breakfast that Lu An sent me. Yours is blue and grandma's container is green. I don't have time to go down. I asked the chef at home to prepare it temporarily, you can try it, if it is not delicious, I will go down and borrow the kitchen to make it for you later."


Su Wu went to the bathroom to wash up and opened the lunch box.

There was seafood porridge in the lunch box, and it tasted very delicious. Although it lacked Lu Yan's craftsmanship, it wasn't too hard to swallow. Su Wu just took a few mouthfuls when Grandma Ke's fingers on the hospital bed suddenly moved, and Su Wu didn't care. After dinner, I walked quickly to the bedside.

After a while, Grandma Ke's eyes moved a few times, but she didn't wake up.

Grandma Ke woke up in the afternoon. She was getting old and sick. Although it was not life-threatening, she still needed to stay in the hospital for a period of time.

Except for the first few days, Su Wu accompanied her throughout the whole process, most of the time Grandma Ke was talking to her.

Su Wu came to the hospital from time to time to see her and talk to her. Lu Yan was with her most of the time. Grandma Ke was not too satisfied with Lu Yan. Although she was not the grandson-in-law she liked first, Lu Yan was not rude. But the key for approval is to be nice to her granddaughter, so the old lady is happy every day.

Grandma Ke had the habit of taking a walk after dinner, so when Su Wu came to see her, she would accompany her to sit in the back garden of the hospital for a while.

While chatting with Grandma Ke, Su Wei pushed Grandma Ke's wheelchair and walked slowly on the small gravel road. There were green lawns on both sides of the road, and there were rows of wooden chairs on the roadside behind the lawn. Family members and patients who came out for a digestion walk.

Suddenly Su Wu's eyes fell on the figure that appeared not far away and was walking towards him.

The girl is dressed in a pure white dress. She walks with a light posture and fluttering skirt. With the clean and pure smile on her face, she looks like an angel who has landed in the world, which is very eye-catching.

This girl is none other than Bai Ling, the heroine of this world.

Grandma Ke also saw Bai Ling, her eyes lit up, and she waved to her with a smile, "Xiao Ling, come here." Then she said to Su Wu, "This girl comes to the ward every day to chat with me these days. Jingjing, grandma thinks that you will definitely become good friends."

Looking at the female protagonist in fluttering white clothes, Su Wu smiled and said, "Okay, grandma, I will become 'good friends' with her."

Grandma Ke did not look at her. The meaning in Su Wu's eyes was meaningful, and she nodded cheerfully.

At this time, Bai Ling had already arrived in front of the two of them, with a bright smile on her face, "Grandma Ke, good evening, are you out for a walk?" Then she looked at Su Wu, "Who is this sister?"

Su Wu smiled generously and turned towards Su Wu. Bai Ling stretched out his hand, "Hello, I'm Ke Jing, please take care of my grandma these days."

Seeing Su Wu's outstretched hand, she seemed to hesitate for a moment, and a look of doubt flashed across her eyes before she reached out. I shook hands with her, "Hello, my name is Bai Ling, I'm a volunteer at the hospital. It's right to chat with grandma, sister, don't be so polite."

Su Wu remembered that the heroine should be older than Ke Jing. She shouted one sister at a time, and it was smooth. Su Wu didn't point out this point immediately, she just took Bai Ling's expression into her eyes, calmly looked away from her, and pointed to the stone table at the end of the path, "Grandma, go sit there for a while. Will you?"

"Okay, it just so happens that you can have a good chat." Grandma Ke smiled, and then said to Bai Ling: "Little Ling, I remember that you and Jingjing were born in one year, and Jingjing was born in December. It's your birthday, it's August, it's a bit inappropriate for you to call her sister, you should just call Jing Jing, how kind."

Grandma Ke's words can be said to be quite straightforward.

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