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"Well, it is Valentine's day." Gou looked a bit surprised at the thing in her brother's hand. It was red, and very little. "I just don't see Haru wearing that." Rin dropped his arm over his younger sisters shoulders. He pulled her into him as he dangled the stingy piece of clothing before her face.

"That's the point, sis, YOU, wouldn't see him in it!" Rin smirked. "This would be for my eyes, teeth, hands... " Gou slapped him, shoving his arm off of her shoulder.

"Ewew, your gross!" She cried. Rin laughed.

"What? Sex is a natural part of a growing boys life!" Rin countered.

"You, you better not be, I'll... Not Haru!" She screamed running away.

"He's not nearly as innocent as everyone thinks!" her brother yelled after her. When she was out of sight he laughed. He replaced the thong. He loved messing with his sister. He loved her dearly, but there were times when he just had to act the brother with her. Now he really did need to find something for his boyfriend. He had no clue what to get him.

Haru was a simple person. As long as he had mackerel and water to swim in, he was happy. Which was great, most of the time. Valentines day was only a week away. Haru surprised him with, 'Let me make dinner for you.' Just the other day. Rin knew what that meant since Haru lived alone.

Rin glanced around the store. He knew better than to try and get Haru another swim suit. The guy had a million all exactly the same, yet 'they fit differently' according to him. Rin rolled his eyes.

Sex toys weren't an option either. Not that Haru minded Rin using them when they had sex, it just wasn't Haru's thing. If Haru got Rin something like that, oh man Rin would die of laughter he was sure.

He rounded a corner, movement caught at the corner of his eye. He shifted sideways afraid he was about to walk into someone. "Rin Matsuoka?" A voice asked. Rin looked up. His eyes widened. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Turquoise eyes shined brightly at him as the dark haired man grinned. "It's been a bit!" The man said. "I thought that was you when I came in. Dang Gou has grown up, what a cutie!" He grinned. And there it was.

"Sosuke Yamazaki! Wow, how have you been?" Rin cried. As they did their usual handshake Rin grinned. He knew he was into guys because of this guy. Problem was Sosuke was straight. Rin never told the other of his feelings. They drifted away in middle school after being friends since kindergarten.

"You still swim?" they asked at the same time. They laughed. Sosuke's eyes twinkled as he saw the grin come over the shark like face of his friend.

"Yeah, I'm swimming on a college team now. One step closer to the world stage." Rin grinned.

"That's amazing! So glad to hear that. Still looking forward to racing you again!" Sosuke smirked. "Here picking up a new suit?" He asked. Rin tossed his hands in the air.

"No, my boyfriend sprang a "Let me make dinner for you." On me siting Valentine's day as the day he wants to do it." Rin sighed placing his hands on his hips. "I have no idea what to get him!" He growled.

"Boyfriend, huh?" Sosuke's smirk darkened. Rin was used to this. Being gay wasn't something most people bragged about.

"Yeah, he's a fellow swimmer. One of the best I've ever seen. Guy would live in the water if you let him." Rin shook his head. "Look it's been great but..."

"Hey, let me help you, then we can grab a coffee and catch up?" Sosuke stated.

"Sosus, I just told you..." Rin was startled by his old friend. Never would he believe mister ladies man would be ok with a former swim mate being gay.

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