Valentine's Night

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Smutt warning

Haru had the bed set up just the way he thought Rin would enjoy it. Sex wasn't something Haru thought a lot about. Not that he didn't like it but pre-planning like this felt strange. He turned away from his bedroom. Heading out to the kitchen he checked the fish on the grill. It was cooking nicely. Glancing at the clock, he saw he had forty five minutes until his boyfriend showed up. He slipped the apron on.

Haru had showered right after he had done his one hundred laps. He hadn't seen Rin which wasn't surprising. Rin didn't always come to the pool when they didn't have practice. The gift Haru made for his lover sat on the table in front of Rin's usual place.

Rin for his part, had raced home after class. He couldn't find Haru's gift. He swore he put it in his backpack. When he went to show it to a friend on the swim team it wasn't there. Sosuke was sitting in the living room playing games. He was in nothing but his boxers. He paused his game pulling his head phones off.

"I thought you were going to be at Nanase's all night." Sosuke called.

"I am. I can't find his gift!" Rin tore into his room. He began to throw things searching for it. Sosuke walked up to the door watching him.

"Would it matter? The guy's clueless if it's not water." Sosuke scoffed.

"It matters to me. I worked hard to get something special. He means a lot to me Sosu..." Rin stopped talking. He had torn his room apart. Just now he turned to face his roommate. Sosuke was holding the box.

"You left it on the chair by the door." He muttered. That's right. Rin had been afraid that it would get squished in his bag.

"Oh, right. Thanks. " He stepped around the mess to take the box from the other. Sosuke pulled it back.

"Hey!" Rin cried.

"Kiss me, Rin." Sosuke smirked.

"Wh, what?" Rin muttered.

"You want this, then kiss me." Sosuke arched his eyebrow.

"Are you insane. I have a boyfriend." Rin tried to reach the box, but Sosuke was taller and good at playing keep away. "Come on, I'm going to be late." He whined.

"Kiss me. That's all. Kiss me like I was Haru." Sosuke smirked.

"Sosuke, come on..." Rin blushed looking away.

"I have had a crush on you since middle school. All I'm asking is for one kiss on valentine's day, then you can run off to be with your boyfriend." Sosuke stated.

"You, you had a crush..." Rin stammered.

"Still do." Sosuke answered. Rin's eyes racked over the strong toned chest of the man before him. This had been his gay awakening man. Sosuke only wanted a kiss. It wasn't cheating, was it? He pondered. Haru wouldn't find out. He could explain why he did it...

"Fine." Rin stepped up to the boy. Fuck his face was heating up. He had dreamed of this moment. How many times had he masturbated thinking about Sosuke Yamasaki? He drew in a breath. He was dating Haru. Haru, who was nothing like Sosuke. Unless you take in the fact that they both had dark hair and blue eyes, were excellent swimmers and... Rin shook his head. He wasn't daring Haru as a replacement for Sosuke, was he? He needed to get to dinner.

He shoved Sosuke against the door. Leaning in, he pulled the slightly taller males head down to him. Rin closed his eyes. He knew he wouldn't be kissing Sosuke like he did Haru. He would be kissing Sosuke like he had always dreamed of...

Their lips met. Rin's already slightly parted. His long fingers curled into the hair just above Sosuke's neck. The others lips covered over his. Rin felt Sosuke's hand curl around his lower back. He pulled him in. No, this was nothing like kissing Haru. Sosuke was... more.

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