What happens now?

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Smutt warning

It was three days later that Rin knew he couldn't put it off any longer. The guilt was killing him. This indecision was murder on his swimming times. He could hardly face Haru.

The day after Valentine's he had gone home after Haru's amazing breakfast. Having been in a rush the night before, he had forgotten his practice swim gear. He let himself inside his apartment. Looking around nervously he didn't see Sosuke in sight. Sighing out the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding, he went to his room.

The first thing he saw was Sosuke asleep on his bed. Then he noticed that the room was clean. In fact it was cleaner than he had ever had it. He had leaned against the door jam watching the tall muscled swimmer sleeping. Sosuke looked so at peace. It took him three minutes to recall he was already running late. He snatched up his bag, made sure he had everything in it and rushed off to practice.

It was a Sunday. Practice was extra long. Haru was in his element. He loved it the longer he could stay in the water. The coach had given him his own lane, since it was near impossible to get him out of the chemical laden water.

While he was waiting his turn to race, Rin watched Haru swim. It was a sight like none other. He loved how the water hugged the man's body. How Haru's muscles pulled him through the tension. They way Haru was just, Haru. It was breath taking. No two bodies belonged together more than the water and one Haruka Nanase.

"Stop drooling over your lover and get your ass on the starting block!" The captain yelled at him. Rin rushed forward. Haru had pulled himself up out of the water. Right, this was the free style race. Haru would be against him.

Rin glanced over at the teen. Haru had his usual distant look on his face. If water was near by, no one else mattered to him. He climbed up on the block beside Rin. The redhead snapped his goggles into place. The buzzer sounded. Rin was slightly late on his start time. It didn't matter he could make it up on the turn. Swimming so close to Haru was like swimming beside an electric eel. Rin's body was hyper aware of the other.

Oddly though, not sexually. He wasn't getting turned on by his near naked boyfriend. That was unusual. It was also Rin's first sign of trouble. See he had been later than usual to come out of the locker room. The image of Sosuke sleeping in his bed, had turned him on.

The turn came. Haru sailed into it easily. He kicked off cutting through the water like a hot knife in butter. Breathtaking. Haru was breathtaking in the water. Rin kicked hard. He pulled up to half Haru's body length. Although he fixed his mistake of his late take off, he wasn't able to beet the blue eyed boy.

"You are amazing!" Rin cried. Haru glanced over at him.

"You jumped late." He told him as he pushed his body up out of the water. Rin watched as his muscles bulged, to push his weight up. The water running down his well toned back, over his black swim trunks... nothing. This was bad.

Haru stayed late as usual on Sunday. Rin decided to shower at home. This was another mistake on his part. Sosuke had nowhere to be on Sundays. He was home cooking in only an old apron of Haru's.

"Oh, hey, I didn't think you would be back so soon." He smirked. Holding out the spatula. "Here, keep an eye on this and I'll get some clothes on."

"No. I need to shower." Rin rushed past him to get to the bathroom. What was wrong with him? It had only been a fucking kiss! He sat on the toilet fully clothed holding his head in his hands. He was trying to will the bulge in his pants to go away. It was no use. He stripped and got in the shower. He jerked off trying hard to picture Haru. Sosuke's naked ass, his abs exposed to the air earlier, everything about the tall easy going guy was invading Rin's mind.

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