Chapter 7 : Good To Me

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Wonwoo wakes up , surprised to see him laying in Mingyu's arms . He finds it weird that Mingyu isn't yelling or getting mad at him . Instead , he is looking straight into Wonwoo's eyes , not mad , but smiling .

"Good morning ~" Mingyu said in a happy tone .

"Morning" Wonwoo replied in a half asleep voice .

"Wake up ~ Rise and shine ~" In a happy and joyful tone Mingyu calls Wonwoo .

"Okay , okay"

Wonwoo gets up to get a shower but Mingyu holds him down .

"I didn't mean it literally"

"Well I do appreciate a shower right now"

"Can we shower together ?" Mingyu giggles a little .

Wonwoo eyes widened , almost emough for it to pop out from it's socket . He can't believe what Mingyu just said . Then he gets a flashback from what happened last night .


"Hmm ? Yes ?" Mingyu answeres while smiling .

"Nothing , actually . Sorry"

"It's okay . Now go take a shower will you ?"

"I sure will"

"That's my baby"

"I'm sorry ?"


Just as Wonwoo about to get up Mingyu kisses him , on the lips . Then he lays back down wrapping himself in Wonwoo's blanket . Wonwoo is in awe because of Mingyu's sudden action . The fact that the same thing happened last night , it just made him even more confused . What possessed Mingyu that his attitude suddenly changed ? He went 180 degree in just one single night .

"Why aren't you leaving yet ?"

"Oh no it's just I was thinking something"

"Oh okay" Mingyu answers , smiling .

"I'll take a shower first okay ? I won't be long don't worry"

"Okay ~"

Wonwoo gets up and got a towel . Just as he is about to step into the bathroom , he hears something .

"I love you~"

He looks back and thought for a second who could've said that other than his own roommate ? His head won't stop questioning everything . Just to be sure , he asks Mingyu again .

"I'm sorry ?"

"I love youuuu " Mingyu said it again , loud and clear . It couldn't have been mistaken for anything else .

"You love..... me ?"

Mingyu nods , agreeing to what Wonwoo just said . A smile wouldn't get off his face each time he looks at Wonwoo .

"Su- Sure ?"

"Say you love me back you idiot"

"O- okay . I.... love you ?"

Mingyu smiles clearly showing he likes it . Wonwoo is too confused that it reaches the point where he even wonders if Mingyu had a twin and swapped places with him last night . He clears his head from all thoughts and went straight to shower . When he came out from the bathroom , he is confused why Mingyu is going through his shirt .

"Woo-ah , does this fit me ?" He asks , cheerfully .

"It does . Why ?"

"Can I have it ?"

"Su- Sure ? I guess ?"

"Thank you !!!" Mingyu shouted and ran straight to Wonwoo , hugging him again .

"No problem ."

"I'mma go shower . Do you have any plans ?"

"Yes I do actually , I planned to meet with the others"

" I see . Well can you at least wait until I finish showering ? Please ?"

"Sure . But why ?"

"You promised . Bye I'm off to shower now " Said Mingyu while caressing Wonwoo's cheeks .

"Okay" Wonwoo said slowly as he watches Mingyu getting into the shower . He places his hand on his cheek , exactly where Mingyu's were . They felt warm . He stands there , frozen , trying to think why did Mingyu did that . A few minutes later he sees Mingyu coming out of the shower . But something's off . The smile on his face is gone . His expression isn't as cheerful as it was . Did something possibly go wrong ? Mingyu rushes toward Wonwoo , grabbing his collar and pinning Wonwoo to the cupboard .

"Gyu-ah ?"

"What ? Tryna make me weak with that word ? No can do ."

"Gyu-ah.... What happened to you ?"

"Shouldn't I be asking YOU that ? What did you do to me huh ? What did you do last night ?"

" Nothing I- I looked after you- As promised....... And then , you kissed me . And hugged me . And then you pulled me into your arms , locking me in ."

"Me ? I kissed you ?" He slaps Wonwoo's cheek , holding up his fist , ready to throw a punch straight at Wonwoo's face .

"Yes- you did.... " Said Wonwoo, in a shaky voice . His eyes start to tear up , he wants to fight back , but his hands are too weak to resist anyone bigger than him , especially Mingyu .

"What happened afterwards ?"

"I- I tried t- to- to get up and you wouldn't le- let me get up so I slept next to you and y- you seemed fine with it . You even said "Don't move" to m- m- me" Said Wonwoo , sobbing , almost couldn't finish his sentence before breaking down in tears .

"So let me get this straight . I hugged you ? And afterwards , I kissed you ? And finally , I pulled you into my arms , hugged you tight , and slept next to you ? Is that so ?" Mingyu questions , slightly calmed down .


"Well that still doesn't explain why did I do all of that !" Mingyu threw a punch towards Wonwoo . Just before his fist hits Wonwoo , Wonwoo breaks down in tears , trying his hardest to get out of Mingyu's grip . Mingyu then realizes why did he do all of that stuff he did earlier and last night . It's because , Wonwoo has a special spot inside his heart , ever since their first interaction together . Wonwoo's the first person who made him say sorry after a long time , the person who makes him feel a new feeling to him , which is sympathy , and only for Wonwoo . And for no reason , He feels safe . Feels , protected when he's around Wonwoo . Feels , comfortable when Wonwoo is near him , while others make him feel disgusted and wants to punch everyone that is in his way . He knows now . He knows why , he will hold back whenever it comes to hurting Wonwoo .

"I'm sorry" Mingyu apologizes , sincerely from his heart . His only hope is for Wonwoo to forgive him .

"Can you please stop hurting me ? It hurts you know !" Wonwoo breaks down in tears , he couldn't hold it in anymore . Out of emotion , he hugs Mingyu , crying on Mingyu's chest . Mingyu just stands there , feeling like he just made the worst thing in the world .

"Woo-ah....... I'm- I'm so sorry okay I promise I won't hurt you ever again I just hope that you can forgive me please just this one last time" Mingyu hugs Wonwoo , letting Wonwoo cry all over him thinking it's the best thing that he could do . He pats Wonwoo's back , trying to comfort him . He tries to sit down , bringing Wonwoo with him .

"Let it all out okay ? All out"

Wonwoo keeps on crying , letting all of his sorrows out on Mingyu's shoulder .

"I'm sorry . I love you" Mingyu said . He pats Wonwoo's head , trying his best to comfort him . All he wants to do right now , is to treat Wonwoo the way he deserves it .

"Moving forward , I'll treat you the way you deserve okay ? The best way possible . Which is what you deserve"

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